LOH Contest #199 Freelance or Dependent? đŸ’»đŸ’Ą


Hellooo integrantes de esta linda comunidad: **Ladies Of Hive**, tiempo sin publicar por aquí, me animé en este contest super interesante y bastante controversial ya que es muy complicado este tema, decir cuål es el mejor o qué es lo mås "seguro" en cuanto a la obtención de tus finanzas por tema de gustos y oportunidades de cada persona.

Recordåndoles un poco de qué trata este contest:

Based on your own job hunting and work experiences, which do you prefer, working from home as a freelancer, or working outside the home where you get stable monthly pay? Why?

Me ha tocado estar de ambos lados, tanto de freelance como en trabajos presenciales, incluso mi primer trabajo en un laboratorio luego de graduarme fue presencial con un salario base estable y claro algunas comisiones, pero como nada en esta vida es seguro, eso no me da tranquilidad de que siempre estarĂĄ allĂ­.

A diferencia del trabajo presencial, el freelance tuve yo que buscar por mi propia cuenta, me costaba muchĂ­simo encontrar a personas que quisieran trabajar conmigo, tuve que hacerme mucha publicidad, etc, Ă­tems necesarios para lograr lo que querĂ­a, esas son cosas que te toman tiempo.

Aunque no solĂ­a tener salario estable siendo freelance, sĂ­ admito que tenĂ­a pagos que me podĂ­an mantener tranquila por un par de meses pero aquĂ­ ahora juega un papel muy importante tu responsabilidad financiera, cĂłmo administrar inteligentemente ese dinero.

Por eso hablar de preferitismo laboral va a depender de muchos factores y cada persona tiene su propio argumento en cuanto a la manera de trabajar y cĂłmo decida obtener sus ganancias.

Yo sin duda me quedo con el trabajo presencial que tiene un salario base estable, ya que a partir de allí aunque sabes que tienes un horario qué cumplir y que cada mes tendrås un pago, puedes combinarlo con otros trabajos freelance de medio tiempo que puedan ayudarte a obtener otro tipo de ingresos y así solventar un poco tus responsabilidades económicas o gastos hormigas.

No me cierro a la idea u oportunidad de tener en algĂșn momento un trabajo freelance, pero mientras tanto disfruto de mi trabajo presencial.

Hellooo members of this beautiful community: Ladies Of Hive, long time no post here, I was encouraged in this contest super interesting and quite controversial as it is very complicated this issue, to say what is the best or what is the most “safe” in terms of obtaining your finances by subject of preferences and opportunities for each person.

Reminding you a little of what this contest is about:

Based on your own job hunting and work experiences, which do you prefer, working from home as a freelancer, or working outside the home where you get stable monthly pay? Why?

I've been on both sides, both freelance and on-site jobs, even my first job in a lab after graduating was on-site with a stable base salary and of course some commissions, but as nothing in this life is certain, that doesn't give me peace of mind that it will always be there.

Contrary to on-site work, freelancing I had to look for my own account, I had a hard time finding people who wanted to work with me, I had to do a lot of marketing, etc., necessary items to achieve what I wanted, these are things that take time.

Although I didn't use to have a stable salary being freelance, I do admit that I had payments that could keep me calm for a couple of months but here now it plays a very important role your financial responsibility, how to manage that money wisely.

That's why talking about work preference will depend on many factors and each person has their own argument regarding the way they work and how they decide to get their money.

I will definitely stay with the on-site work that has a stable base salary, because from there although you know that you have a schedule to meet and that each month you will have a payment, you can combine it with other part-time freelance jobs that can help you get another type of income and thus solve some of your economic responsibilities or expenses ants.

I'm not closed to the idea or opportunity to have at some point a freelance job, so I know that at some point it can happen, but meanwhile I enjoy my work in presence.

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