Mama Mary's Perpetual Virginity Is Not For Hype (2 of 2)

In my first post you've read about why this is a controversial topic. Most people would read anything related to sex. Why wouldn't it happen when the media has been selling it everywhere. Remember the hippie era? And then people find out there's actually a purest human being who is eternally virgin and a mother of God, of course that would sound impossible to some!

(Part 1: Why Mama Mary's Perpetual Virginity is Controversial For Humans)

To average humans (or lukewarm cradle Catholics/Christians like I was) it doesn't matter at all. But for the religious and sex-driven individuals, it's something to talk about. Why? Because she is the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, and Queen of Heaven and Earth. If you are into religion, you will really bother about such things. Theology comes into the picture.

Okay, now we're getting somewhere.


πŸ’― Mama Mary had to be born without sin so Jesus can also be born pure and sinless.

I won't get into the nitty gritty because I'm not an expert in the topic nor explaining it. But because Jesus became man, born sinless, then it means the person who brought Him into the world must also be as pure as He.

We know from science that a mother's body is the source of nourishment of any fetus. In her womb is where an infant grows. Thus if she was impure, how could she even produce a child that had no original sin? That's how Mother Mary comes into the picture. That's why there's still a hot debate.

Probably why Mama Mary's immaculate conception became the first question in people's minds. But to me that also doesn't matter much thanks to my still uncaring or nongossipy attitude. However praying the rosary everyday has really been inspiring me and giving me insights to things like this.

☝️ Immaculate Conception in a nutshell

Immaculate conception means she was conceived without sin. As the Virgin Mary narrated to St. Bridget, she was created sinless due to her parents holiness. Meaning sinless (lustless) sexual coupling = immaculate conception.

This is a hard concept to grasp if one has not experienced becoming closer to God or having a devout life. In our humanity, our minds become muddled with sin and dirty thoughts that such things seem impossible but it's not.

Because she was born immaculate and has always been with the Holy Spirit, it makes Mama Mary 1001% pure and holy. Not having original sin means she is definitely not like us, not an Eve. It means she is untainted by anything from other humans as well due to her pious upbringing.


Immaculate conception + Perpetual virginity + Divine maternity = Mama Mary

Ultimate purity is why she is the mother of God, the new Eve. Jesus then becomes the new Adam, born without sin from the purest of virgins by the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ thus becomes the Lamb of God, the Savior of the world.

Here's a statement directly from her as Our Lady of Guadalupe. As told to St. Juan Diego when she appeared to him in 1531:

"Know and hold as certain, littlest of my sons, that I am the Ever-Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the true God, by Whom you live, the Creator of all (things near and far), the Lord of Heaven and earth."

πŸ˜‡ Common Questions About Mama Mary's perpetual virginity

If she had sexual intercourse with anyone as a teen or adult she would not be that pure anymore. It would make her unacceptable to be the mother of God. Agree?

Question: Why was she still a virgin after birthing a child? Why did Mary not have sex with her husband?

  • Answer: Obviously if you are so pure and holy, such human thoughts would never enter your mind. Why? There's no need for it! (I haven't read any article that gave this reason. This is most likely the answer I got from praying the rosary everyday.)
    As her husband was also a pious person, he would not have had such thoughts either except to raise the child Jesus as they should.

Q.: Why get married at all?

  • A.: Well apparently if a consecrated virgin (like young Mary then) starts menstruating, they must be given to a guardian. Because they are unrelated and will live together (but never have sex) they must still be married (according to their custom). πŸ”₯

Mindblowing? Well... Did you know, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux did not have sex upon marriage (celibate) for 10 months until a priest advised them to have kids?

The couple wanted to be a nun and priest but they were not accepted for reasons outside of piety. Eventually they met and married but maintained their celibacy! That is the mindset of truly pious Christians.

SEXUAL INTERCOURSE IS UNIMPORTANT to (highly) devout humans. Being pleasing to God is the top priority. Most likely then, marital spiritual union in lovemaking becomes primarily for bringing children into this world.

I hope after reading this, it makes Mama Mary's perpetual virginity as clear as day in your minds.

πŸ€” Can you explain her purity in a NON-RELIGIOUS way?

Okay, let's say it's still not making sense. Well it's understandable. To make this easier, I will explain in a practical or more esoteric and non-Catholic way. Yes I have experienced, delved and know about these things and have renounced such pagan practices/beliefs already. But you dear reader may have not yet done so, thus this is so more people will finally grasp the concept.

Heck let's just start explaining it in how cells get affected or how bacteria and viruses get spread around! πŸ˜‚

  1. Have you ever gotten mono? You know, the kissing disease. The infectious mononucleosis virus is passed on via saliva. Usually this spreads when you kiss a lot of people and such. Or if you drink/eat directly from strangers' and other people's glasses and eating utensils. Now imagine if you have sex with one or more people. Think of the cost and problems caused by a variety of bacteria, virus and whatever illness that will spread to everyone.

  2. In metaphysics and esotericism or new age, people talk about sexual energy. Male and female energy exchange happen during sex, e.g. tantric sex. So if this is the case, it goes deeper and not only physical. Corruption of the spirit happens when you have sex as you mix your energies to become one.

So now can you get to the conclusion by yourself? Physical/bodily sexual exchange + spiritual or energy mixing = ?

πŸ€“ So What's the Social Significance?

Our Lady of Fatima, Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia. | image source

The concept of purity via virginity may be weird to some because of how humanity has been living soaked in all kinds of sexual sin for several millennia. No thanks to the devil who hate Mama Mary the most.

I mean, just think about the many men who get incensed or ridiculed for not getting laid. That's on top of those who really choose celibacy despite being single, in a relationship or non-clergy. Of course there are also women out there who are ashamed they are still virgins at a certain age because of the stigma.

FYI, sexual sin is the top reason people go to hell. That's according to Our Lady of Fatima during the Fatima apparitions in Portugal in 1917. It's one of several divine messages shared to three shepherd children. One of them, Jacinta, revealed what Mama Mary said:

β€œThe sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh”

See the connection now? So what should we do? Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, shun sexual immorality.

Again, What's the Importance of Knowing this Topic?

Based on the above, now do you know why this topic is important? The devil and demons themselves hate Mama Mary so much that Catholic exorcist priests calling upon her swiftly sends them away. According to those priests, evil beings abhor her because she is too pure.

In short:
Pure and Holy = full of grace = eternally hated by demons = influence people to bash everything about Mary

Illustration of the The Perpetual Virgin, Our Lady of Guadalupe's apparition to St. Juan Diego | image source

Now do you understand why people keep on hating on and blaspheming against her? Imagine, there are even Christians who profess to love and worship Jesus but they disparage His holy mother at every chance they get!

Do you think that gives anyone brownie points in heaven and makes Jesus happy? On the contrary my dear reader, we have the First Saturdays devotion because of that. Lol, this is why reading about the writings of and about saints is crucial to be sanctified.

Bottomline: PEOPLE CAN LIVE WITHOUT SEX. Nobody dies of being celibate. πŸ˜‚ Celibacy is not abnormal, nor is being sexually active. Whether you just abstain (including thoughts) or totally never have sex ever, your spiritual life would definitely grow by embracing this practice.

Yes, it all comes down to preference these days. The world can't stop you if you want to be a virgin for life! Anyone can choose to be untainted; live a happy, celibate life!

Nobody can stop you either if you prefer to have a sexually moral married life. Either way, we can consecrate ourselves to God just like Mama Mary and the saints did. And that my friends, is a topic for another day.

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