true friends are a respite for the soul [ esp.]

Hello friends of this very feminine group in hive today I come to tell you this love story of mine and my best friend, because our friendship is like the movies has had a little bit of everything.

Hola amigos de este muy femenino grupo en hive hoy vengo a contarles esta historia de amor mia y de mi mejor amiga , pues nuestra amistad es como las peliculas ha tenido de todo un poquito
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She and I have been friends for 18 years but we did not start like that, we hated each other from day one, she has a very difficult character to handle, she is the known bully who fights for everything, I am the opposite, I usually like everyone and I do not fight with people, we studied together in the same school and she is a year older than me and always at school we were pekenaod and looking at each other ugly.

Ella y yo somos amigas hace 18 años pero no empezamos así , nos odiamos desde el día uno , ella tiene un carácter muyyy difícil de manejar , es la conocida bravucona que por todo pelea, yo soy todo los contrario me suele gustar todo el mundo y no cojo mucha lucha con las personas , estudiamos juntas en la misma escuela y ella es un año mayor que yo y siempre en la escuela estábamos peleándonos y mirándonos

one day when we were almost at the time of my graduation and she was doing an internship at my school, I had a low blood sugar, I am diabetic, she was in the courtyard at the time and saw me collapse in the hallway and ran out to help me and stayed with me until she saw that I had passed the scare and if that book judged by its hard appearance was a beautiful story inside, since that day we have been the two of us against all the things we have had to go through.

un día cuando estábamos casi al yo graduarme y ella haciendo practicas en mi escuela ya graduada , me dio un bajón de azúcar, yo soy dietética , ella estaba en el patio en ese momento y me vio desplomarme en el pasillo y salio corriendo ayudarme. se quedo conmigo hasta que vio que ya habia pasado el susto y si ese libro juzgado por su apariencia dura era una bella historia por dentro , desde ese día hemos sido nosotras dos contra todas las cosas que hemos tenido que pasar

we are those friends who can go a week without talking and when we see each other again we continue as if we had seen each other hours ago, we have worked together, we have cried hugging each other, we have taken care of each other when the other is sick, we have slept in hospitals so as not to leave each other alone, we have gone dancing until our feet hurt and we have celebrated each other's achievements as if they were our own.

somos esas amigas que pueden estar una semana sin hablar y cuando nos volvemos a ver seguimos como si hiciera horas de habernos visto , hemos trabajado juntas, hemos llorado una abrazada a la otra ,hemos cuidado de la otra cuando esta enferma , hemos dormido en hospitales por tal de no dejarnos solas , hemos ido a bailar hasta que nos duelan los pies y hemos celebrado los logros de cada una como si fueran propios

4 years ago her mother suffered a stroke and was bedridden and she was in her total care, she paused her life, her goals and her plans to take care of her mother full time, every time I can I go to her house and I accompany her and we gossip so she does not feel that life is overwhelming her, Her biggest dream is to be a mother and she feels bad for pausing it and at the same time selfish for thinking about it while taking care of her mother, I try to encourage her all the time with this but I know it is hard for her, I had a girl and she is the godmother, I could not think of anyone else who would love her with the same intensity as I do and I was not wrong.

Hace 4 años su mama sufrió un infarto cerebral y quedo encamada y ella a su cuidado total , pauso su vida , sus metas y sus planes para hacerse cargo de su mama a tiempo completo , cada vez que puedo voy a su casa y la acompaño y chismeamos para que no sienta que la vida la abruma, su mayor sueño es ser madre y se siente mal por pausarlo y al mismo tiempo egoísta por pensar en eso mientras cuida a su mama trato de animarla todo el tiempo con esto pero se que es duro para ella , yo tuve una niña y ella es la madrina , no podia pensar en nadie mas que la fuera amar con la misma intensidad que yo y no me equivoque

My grandmother died three years ago and she was the only person with whom I was able to get all my pain out. She has always been my guide and the strength that sometimes I can't reach, she is my best friend and as I tell her my great love because we are always together no matter the time or how much we change.
My grandmother died three years ago and she was the only person with whom I was able to get all my pain out. She has always been my guide and the strength that sometimes I can't reach, she is my best friend and as I tell her my great love because we are always together no matter the time or how much we change. true friends are always the respite our soul needs

Mi abuela murió hace tres años y ella fue la única persona con la que me permití sacar todo mi dolor siempre ha sido mi guía y la fuerza que a veces no me alcanza es mi mejor amiga y como le digo mi gran amor por que siempre estamos juntas no importa el tiempo ni lo mucho que cambiemos. los verdaderos amigos siempre son el respiro que nuestra alma necesita.

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