Let's help in the recovery of the families of Rio Grande do Sul


In view of the recent rains and floods in the Brazilian cities of southern Brazil, namely: Porto Alegre, Bom Princípio, Canoas, Caxias do Sul, Lajeado, Roca Sales, Santa Cruz do Sul, São Sebastião do Caí, Novo Hamburgo and many others as there were more than 400 municipalities affected in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The magnitude of the disaster is astonishing. One hundred dead and another one hundred missing, in addition to thousands of affected families who lost everything, absolutely everything under water.

The abundant news coverage and the extensive dissemination of images and real stories on social networks show a heartbreaking panorama.

Many localities are cut off from communication and without basic services, and now that the waters have begun to recede, the population of RS can see the immense value in material losses and the short, medium and long term repercussions that this event will have on their lives.

Rio Grande do Sul is one of the Brazilian states that welcomed many Venezuelan and Haitian immigrants whose lives were already precarious in their own country.

Being in the south, it has a seasonal climate, starting now the cold days when it is more necessary to have the shelter of a home.

For many this will be a really sad and cold winter.

The part of the population that was least affected has been helping to rescue victims and supply their neighbors with needed items such as food and clothing, but the efforts remain small due to the sheer size of the tragedy.


Clean-up teams are being formed to disinfect the houses as the waters begin to recede. The building must be rid of mud in an environment infected with leptopirosis and other dangerous infections. For this purpose, training courses are being given for these tasks and protective equipment and hygiene materials are needed to keep the volunteers safe.

The proposal is: To provide sufficient materials for a team of 50 volunteers to carry out cleanups in the affected areas.

The initial idea is to benefit 50 volunteers with 50 PPE and hygiene kits.


The values expressed here may vary depending on inflation and changes in the transportation system, they are reference amounts that reflect the average of the current values in the area where they will be purchased. Items may vary depending on availability due to current conditions in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

PPE and hygiene kit:

Luvas de borracha cumpridas 2 uni 20 reais.

Botas de borracha cano longo 100 reais

Capacete 50 reais

Oculos de proteção 30 reais

Mascara N95 45 reais

Macacão plastic 30 reais

Plastic bags 20uni 100 reais

Sanitary water 5l 20 reais

Alcohol 5l 100 reais

Antibacterial sponge 5 reais

The estimated amount for this kit is 500 reais (approximately 100 dollars)

50 kits cost 25,000 reais (approximately 5 thousand dollars).

It is important to clarify the need to acquire cleaning equipment such as hoses and compressors and domestic ladders. The cost of these is around $400 depending on availability. In addition to the need to replenish discarded items, a day's pay will be added to the proposal.


We will proceed to purchase the supplies in local markets due to the difficulty of transportation. The team will have to dedicate 6 days of work to this part of the operation.

Finally we will make the delivery of the donation. The kits will be given to local volunteers working in local teams without discrimination of religious or political orientation while stocks last.

We are requesting $1000 per day for a period of 6 days.


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