A Top Strategy to Streamline Your Business | Glitch #273

Category: Business Operations

❓Did you create a written procedures manual yet? If so, have you updated it recently?

Glitch #273 is dedicated to September 29th, in a leap year calendar, but whenever you receive this, we're coming up on delivering nine (9) months of Glitches to you. But if you go back to Glitch #1 and #6, we first discussed the dreaded procedure manual.

🎯 Goal: If and when you forget to do a specific task that doesn't require frequent attention, accessing your procedure manual with step-by-step instructions (including screenshots for visual reference) will save a lot of time.

📌 Actionable Item: Here’s a sample of the table of contents for Aurora Consulting's procedure manual that we created in 2021 when we were hiring a team to assist with our disaster financing business.

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