FINALLY, They Decided To Do Something For The Environment

It seems that the logging companies in the Amazon have finally decided to do something for the environment, from now on they will change the fuel used in logging saws and use leadless fuel to preserve the environment.
This is the logic by which the problem of the environment and global warming is dealt with ...

Today very few talks about the origin of the environmental problem and its real causes but the majority are looking to develop the energy efficiency of saws in order to make saws that do not emit large amounts of carbon dioxide when cutting trees ...

Today all people know the problem of the environment without talking about its actual cause, without daring to say clearly that the origin of the problem is the culture of consumption and the growing aspirations of the inhabitants of this planet and turn everything it can turn into plastic or cement..

Major global companies, media, economy, world trade, and savage lobbies are the beneficiaries of this situation and they are looking forward to more than this and plan to double their profits and their impact on the market whatever price the environment pays, they understand only the logic of supply and demand and use their media arms in order to create new needs for consumers and the numbers of zeros in their transaction numbers make every talk about polar bears or tropical forests a joke and nothing.

Today, modern human beings look forward to increasing production in order to increase consumption and increase consumption in order to increase production ...
To ensure their survival in this circle, it must drain natural resources and the destinies of future generations and must produce waste from industrialization, which is difficult to manage, destroys the environment, and causes significant imbalances in the physical and biological balances of the world ...

for example, the United States alone is responsible for 20% of the world's carbon emissions. and the developed countries have generally achieved prosperity and "progress" with a very high price from our environment and all the inhabitants of this planet pay this price for their progress, although they have not shared the spoils of progress with the rest. From the inhabitants of the earth ...

changing the lifestyle and thinking of the human
picture from pixabay

The problem of the environment can only be solved by changing the lifestyle and thinking of the human being and elevating him to a culture of control over his instincts and aspirations ...
We need to build a new civilization where it is based on freedom, justice, and living on this planet as visitors and not as owners of this planet, we do what we want...
we have to leave a chance for generations to come to enjoy nature, penguins, and polar bears.

That's what we're going to do to stop uprooting. Trees ... instead of just changing the type of fuel used in saws.

These two girls also deserve to enjoy nature
picture from pixabay

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