ecoTrain Question Of The Week #29 What do your dreams mean?


Dreams have a lot to do with our worries, our desires, our concerns, it is usually like that, however in dreams we can find revelations, answers and solutions to situations that our mind keeps, when we have and feel we have a strong connection with the divinity we can achieve benefits through our dreams; we must be attentive to the signs and messages that are found in our dreams. Sleep is also a time to rest, but some dreams can be a reason for tears, fear, and uncertainty, sometimes you can feel that dreams cross that intangible world strongly touching our sensitivity and producing emotions that overflow our being "magically".

I have always felt a connection with God, who takes care of me in a special way, i have experienced that many times in my life., so many times! I am very grateful for his love and continuous care, even when I have fallen strongly from my "perfect place" as a result of my decisions, I have always listened to his silent voice that speaks to me: through other people and even guides me through my dreams, he has responded to me many times in dreams, he always finds a way to keep the light on my path.

I am an introverted person, and I feel that this has helped me to be more aware of my inner reality, which is the reality that revolves around the spiritual, and today I want to tell you about some of my dreams in which I have felt something special, that have given me a gift, the gift of love that helps you to grow, to improve, to find the right direction in the compass of life: a good message, the special message.


During my time of university study I felt very privileged, personally I love mathematics, I have a lot of fun, in fact it was my hobby and that of some classmates, in my free time solving problems of integrals, derivatives or others was a kind of game and challenge to see who could solve it first, But sometimes I could not find how to solve efficiently some math problem and before going to bed I would go to my secret weapon (now it is no longer secret) and ask God to allow me to see in my dreams how to solve the exercise, and as if by magic, there I was, in my dreams, with a pencil and a paper solving the exercise, and when I woke up I would jump out of bed, thanking God while looking for where to write down the solution. As far as you can tell, I always got the highest grade, and I will always recognize that apart from my effort and dedication, there was my beloved God guiding me in every moment, and today I wanted to share this truth as a way to thank God and let the world know that with Him everything is possible.

Some time ago before the famous movie The Matrix came out I had some dreams very similar to that movie, in the sense that I saw some men dressed in black, thin and tall, in my dream I knew I was dreaming, and that's really exciting, because you are aware of that and you dare to do what you wouldn't do in the most real plane of your life; I dreamt that I was at my best friend's house and when I saw her father I told him a lot of truths that have always seemed terrible to me, then my nervous friend told me out loud "what's wrong with you friend" and I answered her that it was a dream, that it was a dream, and she told me, "this is not a dream" and suddenly they started knocking on the door of her house and I looked out the window and saw that they were some men dressed in black, and she told me that we shouldn't open the door because they were some collectors and she didn't have money to pay, and I came as a super heroine and told her that nothing would happen because this is a dream, I repeated that it was a dream, and she told me "you are crazy, what do you have? "And I come and open the door and there were two men dressed in black pointing a gun at me each one and suddenly I hear the sound of the gun and I wake up; honestly what I liked most about the dream is that I was able to tell my friend's father what I really thought of him, it was very therapeutic and besides realizing that I was being affected more than usual by the selfish way of being of that man, so that dream made me reflect and mentally put everything in its proper place. And since this kind of dream I've had five, and it really feels an indescribable freedom.


A few years ago I lived an extremely sad and bitter experience, I did not know what to do, how to proceed, and for those days my great friend Manuel had also died, I always went to him when I needed good advice, to make me step on firm ground and get down from the clouds that sometimes I believe around me, I felt empty and broken inside, and that night before I went to sleep I turned as always to my Heavenly Father with tears in my eyes and heart in my hands, to guide me, to give me a clue to follow, and I fell asleep between sobs, and I had the following dream: I was standing next to my friend Manuel on a corner watching a bus catch fire, and inside the bus there was only one person standing in the middle, in silence, disappearing with the fire but without pain, and that person was me, it was really strange, and then I woke up, the feeling of sadness I felt after waking up was different, It was somehow comforting, I reflected on the dream and saw clearly the message, I had to accept that a part of me had been transformed, changed and it was inevitable, I should not struggle with that, just recognize and emerge as a new me, a better one, in no way should I allow myself to sink in the mud, on the contrary, in me was resurface after all.

On one occasion in search of improving my personal connection with my spirituality and with God, I went to a space where they presented a video about a true story, where a woman told what she saw about "the reality after death", because to this woman an angel revealed how hell was, I watched the video until the end, I was really affected that night with what I saw and heard about "hell", the story showed children in a situation that I really do not want to describe, horrible, that night I cried a lot, by then my children were babies, my husband reassured me that this was a lie, just lies, but I still felt a strong fear, chest pain and uncertainty, and I went back to my Heavenly Father, asked Him to tell me in my sleep if what I had seen was true or not, and after a long time I fell asleep, and in the dream someone told me "listen well", and then I woke up and got into a sitting position on the bed and heard myself say "Not everything is true" and then I went back to sleep, in the morning when I woke up I told my husband what happened and he said "you see, I told you"; even though I don't know which part is true (from the video), I feel in my heart that children always deserve the best and from them will be the kingdom of heaven, and I firmly believe in that, as to whether or not hell exists, that would be a topic for further discussion.

The dreams can be in many occasions a fascinating escape of the reality that is lived day after day, can be the answers to the worries that we feel, can be a message to discover, ... everything is possible in the dreams, but of something I am sure, in them I obtain a special light in my life.

This time the ecotrain community offers us the opportunity to write about the dreams and the meaning of these dreams in life

Thank you dear friends for reading my publication, any suggestion or comment will be received with great affection.

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