ecoTrain Question Of The Week #28: Which of our emotions are most powerful?

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The human being experiences various emotions throughout the day every day of his life, that is inevitable, if we see a child and his behavior we can observe that he openly manifests his emotions without any mask or strange pretensions, sometimes we see how these children express jealousy when a new member of the family is born (not all), or during the expressions of love we manifest for other family members lead to a situation of jealousy, it is surprising, how these children being so innocent can experience powerfully negative emotions that transform their behaviors and trigger a sequel, which must be addressed quickly by an adult, and this adult tries to resolve the child's discomfort with another equally powerful emotion, love, and everything that involves love: understanding, tolerance; which makes us think that emotions do not work alone, so to speak, they are accompanied by emotions with the same frequency that are intrinsically related.

We contain within us what is necessary to experience any emotion, it is enough that the circumstance presents itself and the symptoms will be activated in a natural way, but not all emotions are healthy, some can lead to death, the fact is that if we allow these emotions to dominate us we are losing control of something that lives within us, that is part of oneself, we are not a sea without a wave, a song without a score, a cry without tears, we are the whole of everything, of all the emotions both positive and negative, they are part of us and it is part of life to learn to dominate, to channel the emotions, to direct them to a favorable point, where the weight of the adverse does not make my body, my mind or my spiritual part sick.

The behavior of the human being is diverse and the manifestation of his emotions is unique, we will never see two equal smiles, two equal expressions, is a fundamental element around this and linked to this of the emotions and their interpretations, the thought, as they say: you are what you think, as the child grows up he will live new experiences that produce certain emotions, and according to what the child has learned at home, he will interpret his reality and channel his emotions with a certain character or temperament, associated with his behavioral learning in life situations. This behavioral learning can be acquired spontaneously from what he sees and hears at home (mostly), in addition to the corrections and suggestions that we offer our children whenever possible and necessary; so it is lodged in his subconscious mind a series of valuable information that will be related to the things he will live, including more and more information in his mind, as we advance in years this information is requested more frequently, and all this accumulation of information is manifested through thoughts, and the interesting point regarding the emotions, is that the way we live or channel the emotions we experience comes precisely from our thoughts, and if we are used (in our thoughts) that in front of a situation it is preferable to keep calm and serenity, that in front of a situation it is preferable to bet on silence and attention to the other person, that in front of a situation it is preferable to breathe deeply, you will probably master the emotions in an intelligent way, so much so that even negative emotions will pass without leaving a very deep mark.

The power of the emotions lies in how we live them or channel them, in fact if a person does not reason before an emotion it is like a kind of runaway river, then the detail is the lack of intelligent reasoning before the emotion, therefore it is important to understand the ideal marriage that should exist between the thought and the emotion, on the other hand when mentally we detect that this emotion is positive it is preferable to yield to it and live it deeply, on the contrary when it is negative we should not yield and try to dominate it or channel it to such a point that it does not produce any damage.

All of us live different emotions and we are the authors of how far we let these emotions go. Sowing, reaping and gathering is part of the sowing that is done in the soul and in the mind, and if you feed your soul and mind with positive emotions because you simply choose to live in gratitude with all the blessings that surround you, you will be wrapped in an energy that will lead you to the best version of you in every moment of your life, for this reason I will now go deeper into the emotion that I consider to be the most powerful of all.


A Truly Powerful Emotion: Gratitude

It is the emotion that is experienced when we feel deep gratitude for what has happened, when this happens our chest expands in a special way, we feel a powerful energy within us capable of making us smile, see the reality in front of us from another perspective, not ignoring the circumstances as such, on the contrary everything around us becomes more significant, but the meaning of the events are channeled as blessings, miracles or opportunities.

The gratitude for some people comes at special times: perhaps a birthday, a promotion, the birth of a child, the achievement of a goal, among others, experiencing that emotion is sublime, now, that emotion can be part of our life in a conscious way, if we notice everything that surrounds us from the sky to the ants on earth, and we decide to appreciate every detail, we will realize that they are gifts from the universe, and this universe is generous with us, it doesn't force us to give back anything we receive, and yet many times we allow ourselves to be too disturbed by some events, moving away or detaching ourselves from the magic that accompanies us invisibly, the miracles of life (including life itself), sometimes very little valued.

When we are grateful we increase the levels of happiness, joy becomes part of all this, since it is an emotion with the same frequency, and emotions have a strong impact on health; positive emotions
make you feel better, healthier, negative emotions damage your health status leading to certain diseases, what do you prefer, to walk your life towards general health and wellbeing or to turn your back on it? With gratitude you inevitably attract the good to your life, because you focus your attention and interest on the positive, optimistic and sublime part of things, of situations, of what surrounds you, then that is what you will attract to your life, because that is the message that you send to the universe, and the universe is a reflection of your thoughts, and as I said before, thoughts can effectively channel the emotions that we experience.

When you put Gratitude into daily practice as an indispensable part of your life, your life begins to receive, but it is nothing new really, it is the miracles of life that have always been there, within reach of our hands, but now you can feel that you touch those miracles, that you live those miracles, that you breathe those miracles, and when you feel and express gratitude you feel lucky, and your essence miraculously touches the hearts of others, you impregnate your surroundings with a special energy that definitely makes those around you feel good, this emotion is so powerful that it simply affects those around you positively, it creates an impact on the universe, the necessary impact to be happy.

When we are grateful we are reaffirming the miracles of nature, of the universe, of the supreme being, and recognizing this is vital in the spiritual growth of the person; for our own well-being we can convert gratitude as a habit of life, and this habit (of being grateful) is an act that allows you to come out of adversities in calm, without alterations in your health, it reinforces the reasons to smile, the reasons to continue, the reasons to give.

In essence, with gratitude you delight in the small everyday details, the routine gifts we take for granted and you begin to see the beauty of life everywhere.

This time the ecotrain community offers us the opportunity to write about the emotion you consider most powerful

Thank you dear friends, any suggestion or comment will be received with great affection.

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