What can we do to solve the overpopulation issue?

Overpopulation is a problem for only the middle class ? Not people like Elon Musk..


SEASON 10.4 of @ecotrain QOTW this week has come up with a very niche topic that is the fundamental cause of every problem that we face - Overpopulation. Unfortunately, India is a leading contributor to this problem with 1.4 billion people consistently putting their hard effort to claim the winner spot, but no one wants to even raise the issue, forget about solving it. There is no statistics about which sector has more power to contribute more, but I am sure, the middle class loose their stance quite soon. Before marriage, I was thinking to have a lot of kids, but then I gave up the idea after admitting my son in the play school. The cost of that admission was more than the amount spent on my entire education - how lucky our parents were. Literally, I would have needed few clones of myself to work hard to meet the need, had I not given up that idea. With two kids only, I have already conveyed them that, there is nothing left after their education - literally no asset or money. I am loosing my vision very fast working day in and out, trying to make some extra money by writing here and save it for my retirement. They have to stand on their own feet else.....

The government does not want to touch the issue , not because its sensitive, but because, probably it will violate the fundamental rights of people, for them its is like the more the merrier - democracy fulfilled. So who are those people who want big families ? In my opinion, it's either the very rich , who can afford and need lot of kids to either manage their empire or enjoy all the luxury and quality family time (their quality is beyond our reach). Else it is those clash of people, who need a big family to work and contribute to the success of the family - education is their least priority. And don't forget, more people means, more supplies as part of all the free schemes that the government provides - an extra advantage, isn't it ? I have seen people having more than ten kids, even once I asked someone, how can you manage !! His answer was all these by God's grace :). And then when I asked what all he planned for these kids - his answer was like - they are all assets - working and earning - few kids are working in garage to become future mechanics, few are selling vegetables etc to set up their own business, no one goes to school. He has put them directly in apprenticeship. Must be quite an inspiration in his community!!. But are we all collectively not fighting for the same resource ?

So how can we solve the problem, without violating the fundamental rights ? Lets take both the ideas : limiting the number of children vs no limit on your fundamental right.

Limiting the number of children

It definitely needs a very long term plan and execution. The first step would be to encourage people to not have more kids, because no one can restrict the numbers, as it will violate democracy. I am sure, the middle class are already aware about the consequence of showing their power, so they are already restricted to two kids. Now from the other non-abiding group, we have two segments - the rich and the poor. For the rich, start putting a tax of 10-20 % of their wealth for every kid which should increase proportionately with every add on - so that they know the value of their efficiency, if they want to show their inner power. Probably Elon Musk would fit into this as well. And for the poor segment, stop giving them any benefit, if they try to create a factory of kids - they should not be able to earn a lot of money collectively without paying any tax.

Unlimited Production

The only possibility to sustain while going ahead with this option is to not use our natural resources, instead use artificial resources in the most efficient way - science and technology may provide some help here. We will need a magic capsule that will help us not eat or drink anything else and survive for X years, like bots. All the research companies should join hands and find out that most valuable pill that should also be affordable. This way we can save the natural resources as they are limited. If we don't do that, nature knows how to reciprocate. The other option I can think of is that, during child birth, give some vaccine to kids so that, they survive till the age of 45-50 - die before old age touches you. It could probably be further improved to restrict the limit inside:)

These ideas sounds crazy ? I wonder, who brought up this question ? You must be from the middle class feeling that pinch ? Or you are not affected by overpopulation at all being a single ?

It is fair to say, for example, that technology could be used to mitigate many of the issues that our large population is causing, and we would be very interested to hear ways in which you think technology could be used to solve many of our climate and population issues.

Yes, it is fair as long as we are throwing ideas here on this decentralized platform but no centralized power want to touch this - I know none of this would happen and we will surpass all limits to challenge our nature to bring another intelligent destroyer, that will automatically take care of everything. As per one of our ancient prediction, its going to start as soon as in 2023 - human stupidity will destroy humanity.



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