The look is one of the ways to express our emotions in some way since the look tells us a lot about ourselves

"The look is indicative of positive or negative thoughts, it is part of the nonverbal language that gives us away. The look is closely related to your state of mind, it is your contact with others."


The eyes form a crucial part of non-verbal language, and what we express with them is infinite. So says Ronald E. Riggio, professor of leadership and organization psychology to well-known businessman Henry R. Kravis, and a former professor at Claremont McKenna College.

There are different types of gaze according to the feelings or emotions that overwhelm us when we fix our eyes on something or someone.

In this sense, today I want to contribute through this reflection and according to my opinion, the look of Jesus towards Peter after he denies him in the courtyard of Caiaphas since many scholars have opined throughout life about that look that Jesus makes to Pedro when they pass him through the patio and his eyes focus on Pedro. Some conclude different opinions, others have agreed on his opinions but I also have my opinion about that great and significant look


Let us remember that Pedro was one of the Lord's disciples who was always willing to follow him and made sacrifices to always be with his Lord, but there was a great weakness in Pedro and his Lord knew it very well because Pedro believed himself self-sufficient and although he was with him Lord had not learned to depend totally on him since on many occasions he did things that showed his Lord that he had to go through a process to be healed of that self-sufficiency that could later be a limitation for his ministry

It is for this reason that when Jesus is arrested the Bible tells us the following:

Luke 22:31-34
The Lord also said: Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has asked you to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, once returned, confirm your brothers. He said to him: Lord, I am willing to go with you not only to prison, but also to death. And he said to him: Peter, I tell you that the rooster will not crow today before you deny three times that you know me (RVR1960)

Indeed, this is how it happened before the rooster crowed three times and Peter had denied it. What a bitter process for someone who loves his lord! but you know something these words of Jesus to Peter teach us the countless times that we also deny our Lord with our actions and actions and that is where we can evaluate with our hearts the look of Jesus to Peter

The gaze of Jesus towards Peter is the same with which he looks at each one of us every day It is the same look with which he invites us to change position and life, it is the same look full of love and mercy that today he extends to humanity to attract them with his grace, it is the same look that tells us: get up, I I do not accuse you, I do not deny you, you are my greatest work I call you and I look at you with strings of love...

Many people think that the look of Jesus was an accusation towards Peter, but no, that look was not an accusation, that look was precisely what Peter needed to heal his heart and extend his ministry

I don't know how you will be evaluating that look today, but I invite you to read me and allow yourself to evaluate that look in your heart

because Jesus looks at you, he loves you, forgives you, heals you, restores your life and every day gives you a new opportunity so that you can have an encounter with him

I assure you that if you stop to look for Jesus' gaze, your life will be different and you will have a new concept of life and of the universe.

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