The earth, like the other planets, has various theories about its origin, but everything indicates that the earth, like the other planets, is the work of God and although many ignore it, what we do know is that we live in it and we need all the contributions and benefits created for our livelihood and survival

Currently energy, air and water are required for the proper growth of a human being. Without adequate sustainability, growth would not be possible. In this sense, environmental sustainability urgently requires healthy quality such as non-toxic natural resources and clean air for proper growth and development Therefore, it is important to highlight that humanity formerly enjoyed one of the most prosperous environmental media of all time since we had a healthy and fruitful planet.

We all enjoyed a clean climate and a healthy environment because we were given a planet suitable for our sustainability.


We, as social and biological beings, need nature to live, grow and develop, since nature, like plants, provides us with food and oxygen for our existence. However, humanity has been modifying its environment to live using tools for its habitat, focusing on food.


In this sense, there have been many years in which humanity has given us the task of cultivating and raising living beings for our consumption and obviously this type of thing has influenced natural systems since the forms of exploitation that we have adopted have harmed nature. and even the human species itself

It is important to highlight that humanity was given the best of the planets so that we could inhabit it, take care of it and take advantage of all the good things that God created so that we could sustain ourselves and live a good and healthy life. Certainly on our planet there have always been climatic changes in a general way

First of all, it should be noted that the planet has experienced climate changes continuously. It is certain that the climate of the past has been different from the present and that in the future there will also be a different climate from the current one. The terminology, at first, was somewhat confusing as denominations such as climate variation, climate variability, climate change and climate change coexist. Finally and unfortunately, two meanings have been maintained. In scientific terms, climate change, or climate change, represents any change in the planet's climate regardless of its cause.

Certainly the planet that was given to us was a planet free of contamination and specifically of the greenhouse effect, although normally the natural climatic changes that were necessary and specific to planet earth were executed. However, as the years passed, that environment that we presumed and which we enjoyed for good living became irrationally, specifically in the increase of uncontrolled human activities, producing climatic alterations on a regional and even planetary scale.

Years later, the role of CO2, and other gases capable of contributing to the so-called greenhouse effect, in climate variations was evaluated. and the consequences of an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

...and our planet earth underwent a change that has brought harmful effects to all of humanity, endangering our health and our survival


Currently there are two aspects that are important to highlight:

The first is that, unlike the previous ones, it has such a short timescale that changes can be seen in a time comparable to a person's life. The second is that humanity has never before had the capacity to disrupt the climate on a global scale. It so happens that the climate of the planet allowed life, including human life, and finally the human species has been able to modify the climate.

In this sense, biodiversity increased as a safe source of food products to guarantee the feeding of humanity, but unfortunately its use has not been done in a rational way and because of this and many other factors that intervene in a broader way, today we have a planet sick

If we take care of our planet and make good use of our resources, we would have health and a clean and less polluted planet.

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