Today I came across a beautiful story in the bible where I was able to discern how wonderful it is to be a person who interacts with God who puts his heart above all else to believe him far beyond the circumstances and allows him to revive his dead dreams

Currently and as is normal all people have difficulties in all areas of life and obviously this brings sadness to our lives but the good news is that these sadnesses can lead to great depressions but anyone who has a heart to honor God things happen differently because we can take those sorrows to the altar of God with a surrendered and sincere heart before his presence

1 Samuel 1:9-11
9 And Ana got up after she had eaten and drunk in Shiloh; and while Eli the priest sat on a chair by a pillar of the temple of Jehovah, 10 she with bitterness of soul prayed to Jehovah, and wept abundantly. 11 And he made a vow, saying, Jehovah of hosts, if you will deign to look at the affliction of your maidservant, and remember me, and do not forget your maidservant, but give your maidservant a male child, I will dedicate him to Jehovah all the days of his life, and no razor will pass over his head.
(Reina-Valera 1960)


Ana is a story that inspires us to enliven in us this living faith with an essence of a relationship with God not based on religiosity but based on the foundation of a living God who is willing to hear our prayers when we decide to honor God. with all our hearts; but the whole story of that chapter also caught my attention where I could also discern that serving God is wonderful but that knowing him is much more essential but how terrible it is to ignore the glory of God as established in the first verses about the priest Elì and his sons

Ana suffered from depression because of her sterility but she religiously sought God perhaps in the way that religions do through rites and liturgies and in a technical way but she got tired of that situation and the bible teaches us that Ana in a moment of loneliness and tired of everyone, she put her heart before God in a private and personal adoration where she ended that legalism and there in solitude she meets God and God touches her and she begins to have a personal relationship with him and everything changed in his life because God gave him his son killing all sterility and deep sadness that was in his soul
And despite the fact that Ana had offered him to God to take him to the priest Elias, this man did not have a correct posture before God since he had profaned the temple of God and began to please the children who also dishonored God but God commanded them to a prophet to warn him that if he did not change his position something terrible would happen to him and that was the case because God cannot be mocked and although he is love he is also a consuming fire

In this sense it is important to say that true worship of God comes from the personal relationship that we can have with him and precisely that prayer is found in a heart that adores and honors God with gratitude and sincerity and loyalty every day.

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