"According to various sources, the social activist is the person who monitors, informs and compares. He is active in defending all the rights that assist him as a citizen, as a consumer and as an inhabitant of a globalized world".

An activist is simply a fighter ... who does not give up due to circumstances, therefore she is a man or a woman who is firm in the face of realities


In effect, an activist is a researcher or informant who acts firmly because he knows what he wants in the face of life in a world that is totally globalized, a phenomenon that has intensified in the continuous increase in the interconnection between the different nations of the world at the level economic, political, social and technological and that has obviously had negative effects on our entire planet

Activists have marked an inspiring role for many men and women throughout history for their perseverance and perseverance in the face of various problems or limitations that the world in general is experiencing. From remote times even in ancient times before Christ, activists raised their voices against the system that abounded unfairly and made themselves heard in the midst of a society in crisis


In this way I believe that activists are empathic people; Although many see the opposite and many times think that they do not have the right, for example, to close streets or avenues for a cause since it would affect many, but on the other hand we understand that their fight is for all those who cannot raise their voice; they feel passion for what they do and they are risky people who feel offended, hurt or hurt by the adverse or unfair situations that they feel when our rights are vulnerable and for the social, political, and economic problems that we see every day and that obviously affect our quality of life and to our entire planet

In the same way, life continued to show us diverse and important activists who changed history and who are currently an inspiration for this new generation. Among them are: Marie Curie (1867 – 1934) Virginia Woolf (1882 – 1941) Coco Chanel (1883 – 1971) Amelia Earhart (1897 – 1937) Frida Kahlo (1907 – 1954) Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005)
Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) Anne Frank (1929-1945)

It is also important to highlight the role that several young people have played as activists in the field where they have had to intervene in important events. It is worth mentioning the leading role of some of them where each of them defended a cause such as: Greta Thunberg where it was known that this young woman with only 16 years joined the list of girl activists who have marked the agenda and politics internationally in recent years. For example Greta Thunberg: she rose as an activist on strike against climate change.
Malala Yousafzai: she raised her voice and acted in order to claim education for girls to get the Nobel Peace Prize and
Autumn Peltier: defending the right to water from the original peoples...among others

I particularly admire these people for their capacity for perseverance and struggle and I think they are admirable people who deserve respect and appreciation in a devastated world and they are the ones who stand up where their voices are heard every day with arguments and actions to take to make themselves heard. because every day the rights of the most vulnerable countries are endangered as well as disturbing factors that intervene such as climate change, food risks, insecurity, inequality and coercive measures illegally imposed against some nations, bringing exclusions, food shortages, injustices between the powerful and governments. of the world.


While it is true that many people feel discomfort when activists get together to take to the streets, close schools, avenues to make themselves felt and expose their rights, express their opinions about everything that affects life in all areas present such as: environment, health , economy, education... of this whole system that certainly affects us all more than a nuisance, we must have patience and show solidarity because we all need to be cared for and live a dignified life without restrictions without contamination... and obviously someone must raise their voice to make us feel

I believe that activists are important on this planet that we have today and I do not see them as people who bother, on the contrary, I see them as positive people who are constant risk takers to the new times that our planet needs, because in another time they were important and did feats with their opinions and claiming their rights with justice today more than ever we need people of this type to help us face any power, institution or government to avoid all these discomforts in the future that today is a reality throughout the planet we inhabit

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