@ecotrain QOTW 10.5: My story of my favorite wilderness experience and why it's so important to me.

Nature is beautiful and relaxing, I love and admire all of nature and specifically those beautiful places that transport us to extraordinary things like feeling alive and enjoying its wonders


Experiencing nature is also part of our lives, going to a specific place such as beaches, bushes, trees, rivers, planting or watering plants brings with it endless wonderful experiences. In fact, when we are going through difficult times in those moments that we do not know how to act or what to decide and we feel anxiety or stress, going for a walk on the beach or in a natural place relaxes us since we feel identified with nature also because we are part her


In addition, as a biological and social being, we need to socialize with nature such as: the sea, the air, the rocks, the climate, bushes, animals, plants, fantastic places that biological biodiversity offers us and that we need to relate to it because of the diversity of satisfaction and emotions that it offers us

Nature produces extraordinary benefits for our body, our mind and our spirit. For this reason, I believe that we should all live in harmony with nature and enjoy it to the fullest, since being in front of the sea and feeling its air, for example, gives us extraordinary satisfaction.

For example, at this time I felt a little anxious and stressed and I decided to visit my daughters in the Azoategui state ( dairies) of Venezuela and I enjoyed it to the fullest, I felt relaxed, I lived enthusiastically identifying myself with nature where I visited several natural sites specifically the sea where I got the first image that I point out at the beginning of my reflection and others like the following:




I captured this beauty in the middle of the sunset where I could feel an immense pleasure of peace that invaded my whole soul when contemplating all the beauty that God allows me to fully enjoy.


Feeling the fresh air of the sea in the middle of the sunset is one of the most pleasant benefits that we can feel since our emotions feel balanced because they produce an extraordinary and wonderful effect on our thoughts, I felt at that moment as if my whole mind was renewed. It really is wonderful!

In fact, experts affirm that "the movement of the sea and its immensity have an almost hypnotic effect, which generates that sensation of tranquility and well-being that allows us to recharge energy."


I was also able to identify and relax observing a great diversity of cacti since cacti represent a group of fascinating plants that help balance our emotions.

According to experts, they declare that cacti, specifically their spines "represent such important aspects as safety, protection and persistence. And not only that, they also purify the environment and represent a barrier against electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices."


I was able to really enjoy this time and identify with myself, facing my emotions in a wonderful way as a family and enjoying every detail that nature offers me.

In another order of ideas, I also enjoy nature through my plants because watering them or watching them grow is a very pleasant and bear fruit source of satisfaction.

In the patio of my house I have several ornamental as well as medicinal plants as well as some fruits such as: papaya, lemon, guavas, oranges... others such as: palm trees, orchids, malojillo, aloe, oregano... that embellish my surroundings.
I will show some of them below.







In the moments that I feel burdened or anxious I go to water my plants or prune them which keeps me away from some disturbances and brings calm to my life since we all should know that plants improve our mood and help against depression and anxiety

In this order of ideas, it is important to highlight that plants are living organisms that provide the following benefits for our health as well as for the environment, such as:

"They expel carbon dioxide at night, but the rest of the day they supply fresh oxygen. In addition, they absorb polluting gases, improve and purify the air and make the environment a little more humid."

and the most extraordinary thing is that it can calm our anxiety by taking control of our mind and relaxing our entire organism

I confess that every time my emotions are affected I take refuge in my plants

Place of visit: Dairies. Anzoategui State. Venezuela

Reference: All these images were captured by my phone: Redmi 9A

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