A terrible dream //could this be Life

A bad situations can be a terrible dream just as some people assume when things do not go in the way they plan, some people would think that it is just a dream, maybe as times goes on, they would wake up to the real world, life itself is a dream world, i sometimes use to imagine this too especially when I am out of the streets and see how life is, the way some people roam around the street in search of foods and to offer their service for sell.



I also asked myself some questions and that is 'why is life even this difficult" does it means nothing could be done to make everything normal and easily for everyone? I remember that in the Bible God makes man in his own image, which simple means we are God to ourselves then why can't we solve the challenges of hunger and taste of food to eat for everyone.

I have come to realize that some days, they are some families that could not even afford a square meal for themselves, but it doesn't have to be this way, I think life should be as a paradise, some people in my country believe that what makes life so difficult here is as a result of our leaders, they insist that leader here in my country Nigeria are to be blamed for the sufferings of people's of Nigeria.

Even as now I see no reason why wealth turns out to be a do or die affair to some individuals, I have make so many finding on what could be why people suffer, but all answers kept answering on one thing, which is that we Humans are to be blamed for the sufferings of others, because some people never stop to look for more riches for themselves and their family's families.

I also asked where has others people's heart kept their Mercy, does it mean so many of us were not image Of GOD! well in that case, where have they keep their own mercy, I strongly believe not everyone feel good to see others suffer and at times i wish I could have powers to change life's of people, I wish it was in my powers to lift the sufferings of the world.

"we all understand man need man, we all need what is right but who is this right man to make everything right".

I think more on this few phrase and up till now, I could not have an answer to this question, that was when I realized what humans face in the world today was meant to be and on the other way, it was not meant to be, because I could not vividly find a clear answer to this question.

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