Deaths In The Mountains On Weekend (A Call For Climate Action)

July 29, 2022

Sunday, July 24th, has recorded the highest temperature of the year in Hong Kong which soared from over 35°C to 39°C at its peak. That was when I opted to stay under the shed the whole day to protect myself from being burnt by the scorching sun. These past few days, Hong Kong has had very hot weather, especially in urban areas and it seems to get hotter day by day. This climate crisis is truly alarming and everyone should be aware of it and do something before things get worse.

While walking under the blazing sun last Monday with my boss, she mentioned the death of some hikers last weekend which sent goosebumps to my body as I am a hiker as well. Three deaths have been recorded this weekend with the same suspected cause, heat stroke, due to the very high temperature.


Last Saturday, a man in his 50s fainted while hiking and was airlifted by the rescuers but eventually died later in the hospital. Last Sunday, an Indonesian female worker who went hiking was found unconscious. A concerned friend called for help and the body was airlifted and sent to the hospital but died later.

The most saddening story was about the father and son who went hiking last Sunday. A man in his 60s brought his son into hiking. The father stopped to get some rest and the son continued hiking. The next day, some hikers spotted the son in the mountain alone, and later that day, the father's body was found dead by the authorities.

Based on my boss' story, the son has a mental disorder and he never thought that his father's fate would end that way. He neither knows how to call for help so he stayed in the mountain the whole night, unaware of what happened to his father. That was truly saddening and the supposed-to-be father-and-son bonding ended in death.

Stop Hiking in Summer and Stay Indoor and Hydrated

As a hiker, one thing that I consider when planning to hike a mountain is the weather condition. Unless I get excited about it and forget to check the weather before heading out. That seldom happened and our last hiking was a lesson to learn. It was the day I experienced very hot weather in the mountain, and all I said was, "I don't want to hike for a while and just wait for Autumn." That's one of the reasons why my travel buddy and I opted to stop traveling for a while due to the hot weather temperature.

Image from Unsplash by Holly Mandarich

Undeniably, some would prefer to go hiking in very fine weather as there'll be no foggy horizon obscuring the scenic view. Capturing a beautiful view perfectly is one of the reasons why some hikers/photographers ventured into the mountains in Summer. But it is worth noting that hiking wouldn't be enjoyable anymore if you are feeling burnt under the sun. I experienced this and it was a lesson to learn.

Hiking is indeed a great adventure, however, be concerned for your life as well, and STOP hiking in Summer to avoid heat stroke. And as much as possible, stay indoors and hydrated. If going out, make sure to bring necessary things like more water and protection against the scorching sun, such as an umbrella, caps, hats, shades for eye protection, and wear sunblock for your skin protection. Summer is the best season for a getaway as well. But be accountable for your actions and take necessary things into account to avoid unfavorable consequences.

A Call For Climate Action

These recent incidents of heart stroke and climate crisis should be a wake-up call to everyone, not just in Hong Kong. And as a super dense country like HK with lesser green and more buildings in urban areas should really be more strict with its environmental policies. One of the factors that contribute to climate change in Hong Kong, is the growing number of commercial cars on the street. That is according to Campaigner Ng.

Photo by me

And living for more than four years here in Hong Kong, one thing I noticed is the usage of air conditioners in almost all houses, aside from government and private establishments. Air conditioners are some of those that cause air pollution as it uses too much energy and releases carbon dioxide. Just imagine every household with air conditioners used at the same time for long hours. That is too much greenhouse gas emissions and causes the ozone to deplete.

Hong Kong building. Image from Unsplash by Chromatograph

Aside from it, the humidifiers, refrigerators, heaters, and other appliances are emitting greenhouse gas as well. The manufacturers, infrastructures, and other establishments are part of it as well. And what's even more saddening here in HK is you couldn't see twinkling stars at night anymore due to light pollution. Unless you travel to the countryside and the mountains.

These pollutants are causing the temperature to rise over or drop below the normal level. It's too hot every Summer and even on some days in Winter. And there were points where we experienced negative temperature as well.

These are just the effects of climate change and global warming. And no one could solve the issue, but only us humans. It is undeniable that the products of technology give comfort and convenience to our lives. However, as years passes by, the more convenient life we have, the more it harms our Mother Earth, and only we, humans, will suffer in the end.


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