How Much Free Will Do You Have?


Free will is a controversial topic… for those who want to control you, i.e. those who want you to give up your free will.

The people that want to challenge free will are of a type, that like to pretend they are "scientists" searching for the truth. Often, they are just actors, playing "scientists". It is very important to look at what is behind these characters, as well as understanding why free will is so important.

To those of us who know, free will is undeniable. In fact, it is the basis of how this universe was constructed. The 1st layer. Everything else is subordinate to it.

That people are questioning the existence of free will, and doing so disingenuously, is cause for much concern. If they were actually looking into free will, and analyzing it from all sides, that would be one thing, but all i have seen from them is a trying to prove that this universe is a watch, that everything in this universe is simply following the laws of physics. That everyone is just a robot. And, how could you come to this conclusion, unless you are looking solely to let your lust rule your life, and you want no consequences for your actions.

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The People are just robots story

Many "scientists" find all kinds of evidence to say that humans are just very advanced biological computers/robots.

They believe that the universe is just a bunch of balls bouncing around, and if you could know enough, you could accurately know (not predict) the future. The universe is a giant machine, that is running down into oblivion (entropy)

These people believe that consciousness is just a matter of having a large enough computer.

They have done scans of brains and found that people start doing something seconds before it is actually done. They then assume that this is proof you have no self will (because, in their minds of linear time, the action started happening, and then you decided to do the action)

Add these up, and these "scientists" are basically trying to write God out of existence. Now, we all have free will, so you can choose to believe in God, or not (there is no proof you can find that shows God exists). You can choose to search for, and learn about, and interact with God… or not. It is your choice. That said, these "scientists" seem to be doing things to specifically destroy humanity. And, if you look deeper, you find that many of the people behind this narrative, believe in, and worship Lucifer.

Yes, there are a group of people that believe in the devil, and do not want you believing in God.

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Does God exist?

At the core of the battle between whether or not we have free will is "Does God Exist". I have never seen a debate on this play out where the two people (or groups) both believe in God. This does not have to be, but it really seems that a mind that believes in God, the creator, also believes in free will, given by God.

The "scientists" are so often saying, "God doesn't exist". "There is no proof that God exists, thus God doesn't exist."

And from my view, this proves free will (but usually the "scientists" will not agree)

Here is a proof that God is not provable:

In order to say something exists, you have to say what things are not it.
There is a chair, comes with a whole bunch of definition about what is a chair, and what is NOT a chair.
So, there are two sets, one of chairness, and one of not-chairness

God is everywhere. God is in everything. (view of many Christians)
So, we do not have two sets. Either God is in everything, or God doesn't exist.
Both states are identical to the "scientists", thus, the existence of God cannot be proven.

Thus, we find that you can believe in God, or not believe in God. And you can find evidence of both.

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Free will?

That you can believe, or not, in God is a very important sign that you have free will.

Imagine the energy, thought and design that would have to go into a universe design so that you could NOT believe in God. If God wanted you to believe know that God existed, there are all kinds of signs that God could manifest, that would be absolute proof. Or, God could just place it into your mind, into your DNA. You could not question it.

There are a lot of things you cannot think of. No, really. And, so much so that i cannot even describe them, your brain just doesn't go there.

It is said that anything you can think of can be achieved. And of these things, you can choose which you want to manifest, and which you don't.

This structure indicates that you have free will inside this universe structure. It was designed like this. It was designed like this for you to experience what you are experiencing now, and deciding what to do. The structure exists, therefor your free will exists.

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The first layer

The first layer, or plane, or dimension is the Causal Plane.

It is responsible for matching up things. Things of like vibration are attracted to each other. (or, in other words, the law of attraction)

Most people experience the Causal Plane as very iconic, or iconographic. A tree looks like kids drawing of a tree. (you can make a lot of comparison with what you see in dreams, and what you would see here, everything has meaning)

Further, we live in a dualistic universe. Where you have something, and its opposite. Like a stick, and the way you are vibrating attracts one end of the stick or the other. You have money, and the lack of money. You have car, and the lack of car.

You have light and the… There are a few items that do not have an opposite. Darkness is only the lack of light. You do not attract light. You are the light, and how much you allow yourself to shine is up to you. (Yes, training to be more spiritual and increase your power, so you can shine brighter, is an allowance)

That this layers is the first layer, indicates that free will is of the highest importance. This universe was built up from free-will. It is the cornerstone of our realm, you might say.

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Be wary of those who say they do not believe in free will. They are usually trying to sell you on something. Usually their doing bad things and they do not want you judging them for it.

There are, of course, a few science minded individuals who have bought the whole line of everything in the universe is deterministic. And have turned down the road of nihilism. Be very wary of these people, although not bad, they can suck you into their nihilism and that can have horrific consequences.

You have free will, and the more we learn about how the universe is constructed, and the multi-layers of human, will show this. Excepting this, and know you can have anything you can think of, learn to focus your mind upon what you want, and allowing that to come into your life.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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