It Is In Human Nature To Be Gentle


Source: Picture taken from Pixabay

Gentleness in Human Nature

It is human nature for every one to want to treat each other well because nature has created in every human being the virtue to be kind and gentle with each other. But it is the fault of human being themselves and their egoism prevents them from doing so.

What keys We Get From Being Gentle

Gentle behavior is the key to love. Gentle behavior is the secret to finding a way even in the hardest of hearts. Gentlemen are dear to every heart. The key lock comes in handy again and again, But the hammer lock does not work again.

That is why


Source: Picture taken from Pixabay

Don't open the locks of relationships with anger rather open with the key of love. Successful people is the one who is kind to each other who helps each other in hard situations of the life. If a person wants to be respected, he should respect each others and be kind to them so that he can expect the same from them tomorrow.

What If Get Worst?


Source: Picture taken from Pixabay

And of course, good deeds bring prosperity to a person. Routines get worst when people can't handle their part and they fall on each other. We have experienced these things before in the past, we see many characters which were kind and how people love them and the same we see people with no manners and how people badly treated with them.

Let me share a joke with you here

The child asked his mother, "At what age can I go out of the house without your permission?"

Mother replied with a smile, "Son. your father has not even heard about this."

Trust The Gentleman

The gentle people attracts the trust of other for this every one believes on what he is doing and what he is saying. Everyone is happy with gentle person and trusts him in every thing he does.

This is the small effort on my part so that I can understand about the gentle and its virtue and demerits. All these ideas are my thoughts, maybe I am wrong.

Thank you all!!!

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