The Authoritarian Matrix

This DHS PDF webfile details what the Dept of Homeland Security categorizes the five different types of "domestic extremism" in the U.S.

  1. Racially or Ethnically Motivated Extremism
  2. Anti-Government or Anti-Authority Violent Extremism
  3. Animal Rights / Environmental Extremism
  4. Abortion-Related Violent Extremism
  5. All other Domestic Terrorism Threats

Ever since 9/11 and the "war on terror" announced by world's worst speaking president George W. Bush and his handlers, there has been a continual state of emergency in the United States.

First we were told of "Middle Eastern Islamic Terrorists" that were "behind" cough cough the 9/11 controlled demolition of the Twin Towers as well as Building 7 and the "plane" that hit the Pentagon directly in the financial offices where many crucial records were held.

We were told that the only security footage of this "plane" was a grainy sasquatch-quality 10fps hackjob video and that we aren't allowed to see the actual footage because of "National Security".

Oh how times have changed.

Now adays, you do not hear a word about radical Islamic suicide bombers in the U.S. Instead the word terrorist is turned against what was the true target all along which is the American People, namely the American patriotic types that actually know what the hell is going on, some more than others.

The media surpasses expectations when it comes to directing the most trusting and non-critical thinking populations like a donkey chasing a carrot hung in front of it. Never quite grasping the carrot, but sprinting violently in its direction, never becoming aware that it is not getting any close to the truth.

I choose Democrats here because at this time in history they are the prime target of propaganda and they are given not spoonfulls but heaping, overflowing pitchfork loads of it on a day by day even hour by hour basis.

They claim that this is not the case when you talk to them...after all, nobody wants to admit they are the fool even if it means they can make a drastic step towards truth.

It is much better psychologically to cling to the story one tells themselves. After all, admitting that large swaths of what you are told is untrue is a recipe for a psychic break...and these people are already doped up on psychiatric medications to a hellish degree.

This is also true for many "conservatives" but it is far less prevalent, and I would argue that a true connection to nature in general is what grounds them a bit more.

Conservatives are more likely to live in rural areas, not be as "educated" (indoctrinated in secondary schools), and be more familiar with hands on learning and activities, like working with their hands, repairing equipment, firearms, hunting, fishing, etc.

But I'm getting off topic here. The main thrust of the argument is that the Authoritarian Matrix is but one more vestibule of the overarching Matrix reality that I believe we all concurrently reside in.

This Matrix is robotic, anti-life, anti-nature and evil by design. And for that reason, once you start to see through the lies and propaganda, even just a little bit, you can claw your way out...and what is seen cannot be unseen.

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that sometimes it would be easier to just be one of the sheeple, blissfully moving about with no concern for anything except for the carrot that is three inches in front of its nose, never to be reached. The pains of knowledge never to be felt, the pains of deception never to be harnessed...the fact that this entire global system is NOTHING like what we were told, there are massive and ancient agendas, being unfolded before our eyes.

But back to the Domestic Extremism.

I'll focus on #2, anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism.

I think we could all understand how anti-government could be seen as something necessary to a degree. We all for the most part live in places with small local governments. It would be possible and probably much more favorable to have no government at all for the most part, but humanity as a collective isn't ready to just hit the kill switch and remove all government. Many people would be fine, but MOST would least not at first.

It is the "anti-authority" principle of this doctrine that aggravates me. This is a term that only intellectually stunted lackeys could appreciate.

"Authority" by its nature is something that is given to someone by someone else. I have always despised authority, mainly because I usually didn't have any confidence in the person who was supposedly the authority.

Authority denotes force and compliance. Neither of these are human in nature. Authority in the United States equates to "experts" that are heavily propagandized automatons who view their own matrix programming as somehow superior to the people they have "authority" over.

They see themselves as morally superior and thus by definition you the person who disagrees with them is inferior.

This all doesn't really matter in day to day life until the government and the REAL controllers use the authoritarians as pawns in their schemes.

Only when people are hit in their personal lives usually do they face the difficult choice of how to act.

The Covid-19 Scamdemic / Plandemic / Hoax is exhibit A and it needs no rehashing to the readers of this article. I've gone over it extensively in the past. But the antics that we collectively saw forced many of us to show courage and do what most people are unwilling to do and that is stand up to the bullshit and tyranny and accepting the costs of our behavior.

They had mask signs on their stores, we went in anyway. We got yelled at and ridiculed. We did it anyway. It is WAY easier to just throw the mask over your face and blend in...just for the few minutes it takes to do your business and leave.

They said we can't fly, so we didn't. They said we had to let some asshole in a white coat swab something up our noses, we didn't do it. We took the arrows from our supposed "fellow citizens" and trudged on.

Most people in this fake reality can't see what's happening because they're focused on the carrot. They don't see the forest, only the trees. Each incremental stripping of their rights and now as we see their natural rights as in their own bodies goes unnoticed because the distractions that have been placed before them take their attention away for just one more minute, hour, day, year, life.

When your own government is labelling you as an "extremist" because you don't agree with what they are doing, even when they steal your money through taxes to do it TO you, and threaten to lock you in a cage as a criminal, you should know there is a pretty large problem. One that needs solving immediately.

In this chess game of terrorists (them) vs free people (you) it is important to be able to see a few moves ahead and anticipate what might happen next.

When they say "anti authority" it doesn't take a genius to see that "authority" could mean any number of things. Since this country is a gigantic cult where "experts" are held as authorities, anything questioning these institutions could land you as a "domestic extremist".

This means that if you don't get the experimental injection for covid, you are "anti-authority". If you don't believe the sea levels are rising and that we're all going to do of global warming, you are "anti-authority".

"Authority" means whatever suits the controllers for the day. Whatever they want to happen. And everyone who dissents against the flavor of the day is a "domestic extremist". We are "extreme" in that we are not sheep. We question everything and demand answers, and we don't care what school you went to or if you have a stethoscope around your head, or if tons of people "voted" for you. So by their definition "extreme" just means not a docile unthinking robot human.

There are many aspects of The Matrix and every person can see their own versions. We have the health matrix, where you have to take your own health into your hands and go against the grain, not consuming tons of chemicals and poisons and constantly injecting yourself with god-knows-what. There's the political matrix, the social matrix, the language and symbol matrix...its all one giant web.

The authoritarian matrix is just like all the others: invisible walls encircling all of those that wish them to be there and would be out of their comfort zones if those walls were shattered.

Self created, and thus self controlled and dismantled. Opening up to higher intelligences and frequencies that make these controlling, psychopathic nutjobs look like the cockroaches and termites they are. Easily squashed and dismissed.

But we have to do it every day with our actions, and we will have to go through some incredibly uncomfortable experiences in order to do this.

But it sure beats the alternative.


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