Here Is The Truth About Net Zero

Some of the normies still aren't aware of the Net Zero Initative which is the ludicrous and enslaving idea that we need to remove all emissions of "greenhouse gases" sometime in the next 15 years or so. It is closely tied to the United Nations Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 programs.

When people think of emissions they generally only think about automobiles and the coal and natural gas industry. The normie mind does not extrapolate on such ideas much so they don't realize how far the idea of CO2 emitting items goes.

  • All freight ships which run off diesel
  • All air planes
  • All trains that run off coal
  • All automobiles, motorcycles and modes of transport
  • Lawnmowers, weedwhackers and other yard equipment
  • Stoves, barbeques, ovens and eventually anything that burns wood and basically anything that emits smoke


The allure of this clandestine idea is to have it inculcate with the sheep who run off emotions instead of thinking for themselves. Anything that sounds nice to them is good, and since the media makes it sound good and has little pictures of people frolicking through the fields they lap it up like the usual bullshit.

Net Zero is part of a larger operation which will eliminate travel...or at least severely limit it. They may even be able to concoct electrical airplanes but they will be so costly and rare that the average person will be stuck wherever they are with their shitty, throttled and artificial intelligence run electric vehicle.

Recently this popped up the U.S. and I know it has already been happening in Europe: Government may ban gas stoves over health hazards and you can bet your ass this is one of the tiny stepping stones to move net-zero right into your home...the end goal that the NPCs and normies don't understand and simply never will is that the ultimate goal is to control everything including inside of YOUR home...which will not even be YOUR home for long as people will find out.

They say its adding to "childhood asthma" yet there is nothing that the government ever does to address the real causes of asthma which are dietary and lifestyle behaviors. This is information that any holistic health professional is aware of.

The guise of netzero will always express itself the same way all dictatorial and demonic operations are: under the "betterment of society".

California is leading the way by vowing to simply stop producing gas powered vehicles by 2030...they're just simply cutting off the supply. Are people really so stupid in that state that they think there will be enough electrical vehicles for everyone? Or that they will be anywhere near affordable seeing how the dollar is collapsing before our very eyes?

And what happens when things like this happen:

Tesla owner stranded after car won't charge in the cold

Or inevitable failures like this:

Let's get one thing straight for all of you out there, and let's apply it to our lives. I've said this before and I will repeat it until my dying day:

Get out of the cities. Educate whoever you can to do the same. You don't have to go out in the middle of nowhere, but you should be safely away from the zombies. When the food runs out, and the cars won't charge, and they're all broke and already stupider than shit, then you want to be a safe distance away where you can contemplate life and become a more self-sufficient and capable person. Because our next generation needs leaders, people that have skills, and people that aren't just reacting far too late when the shit hits the fan. You've been warned.

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