WHO (accidentally) confirms covid as deadly as flu

In a statement of estimation of the spread of covid-19 by the WHO on October 5th, the numbers they gave make covid as bad as the flu. That's not the conclusion they wanted to portray, but it's what their numbers say.



"Oops, we let more information out than we should have. More data to unravel the scamdemic". That's the punchline in the end. As they attempt to keep painting the picture of a super-deadly pandemic that hasn't ended despite deaths being minimal and well out of the pandemic range.

Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s Head of Emergencies said they believed 10% of the world is infected with SARS-CoV-2. Yup, they said it themselves. Not only that, they repeated that number later as Dr. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, confirmed the number.

What does this mean?

10% of the 7.8 billion people in the world is 780 million. That's how many test positives they claim are in the world by their estimates. When looking at their bogus inflatd claims of deaths at over 1 million (1,061,539), this gives an infection fatality rate of 0.14%.

An IFR of 0.14% is what the flu has. All the expert sin March and April who were saying this was going to be like a more severe flu, were accurate. And with the inflated deaths counts, which those paying attention know is the case, the IFR is even lower.

So much for the super deadly virus that is out to kill everyone and collapse society. Oh wait, the governments in the world as the ones who actually did that, not covid. rather than help push their scamdemic doomsday pandemic, their numbers help destroy the hoax and put things into real perspective.

Another sad joke is that the coming flu and respiratory illness season will be so tame compared to last year, as it always is the years after a new ILI virus spreads. Yet, they are going to claim their lockdowns, masks, isolation and other tyrannical measures are the reason it is so low. LOL. Anti-reality anti-science morons who claim to be the only authoritative source of whats real and scientific.

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