US ELECTION FRAUD 2020: A Shortcut to Supreme Court?

SueTexas attorney general sues to block Bidens victory in four other states.mp4_snapshot_00.40.989.jpg

Still can’t understand who in normal mind would want to be the next POTUS. Society is divided like never before since the civil war, a catastrophic economic crisis is looming and people are getting angrier at the government every day. Still, two clowns are trying to play their game of thrones to the end…

In the ongoing election saga, we have a bit of a turn: State of Texas sued four states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin) before the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that they unconstitutionally changed their election laws. That may be a shortcut to Supreme Court, who has to decide in disputes between states. And Texas is not alone. Seventeen more states suported it. Here’s law expert Lionel to explain nuances:

Duration: 2:10

Even more interesting, pandemic is presented as justification – which means that the Supreme Court will also indirectly decide on the scandalous media treatment of an ordinary seasonal flu epidemic. This is now quite clear from the general mortality statistics, which is nowhere in the World higher than it was last year. However, this does not prevent New York lawmakers to introduce a bill which would make vaccination mandatory!

Before we continue, let Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton explain the demand to Supreme Court:

Duration: 6:56

The defendant states have responded, and – the division became even more pronounced than during the civil war 1861–1865, when 11 states tried to secede due to the election of Abraham Lincoln! Now we have 18 states that supports the sue, and 22 that support sued states:

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Trenches are dug. Network war is already on the rise. Will Supreme Court be able to resolve this division? Hardly. System is broken to the point of no return, as Hunter Biden’s laptop affair clearly shows.

All that is left to see is: How much power the Imperial beast still has…

Never forget that Julian Assange was one of those who took off the mask from the corrupted political system in the U.S.

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