Is 'Covid19' a Bioweapon, Being Spread Through 'Vaccine' Shedding?

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 14-17-41 “This Shouldn’t Happen” Inside the Virus-Hunting Nonprofit at the Center of the Lab-Leak Controversy.png

Are the origins of COVID actually a man-made bioweapon, and is this disease now being spread through 'vaccine shedding'?

It is, I think, at this point a very valid question that everybody should be asking, considering the weight of abundant, publicly available evidence contradicting the official Covid narrative which states that this new and overly broadly defined illness is caused exclusively by a naturally occurring virus originating in Wuhan, China in December of 2019, dubbed 'SARS-CoV2'. But this theory is riddled with holes, absolutely untenable to the rational mind, and is built on such a shaky foundation that the entire medical/media establishment - the 'experts', doctors, government 'regulatory' agencies (FDA/CDC), Big Pharma spokespeople and the whole of the Mockingbird Media - have all been forced to radically change their stance on what constitutes 'the science' versus 'mis-/dis-information' almost daily, so that the official Covid narrative has begun to change so frequently, abruptly and so many times, that nobody in their right mind can any longer quite take this establishment quackery seriously, even if the charade itself is not viewed as quackery, due to the sheer amount of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies coming out of the establishment through this unprecedented global psyop.

So it is no surprise that there are by now several solid alternative theories as to what exactly this disease is and is caused by, and one of these theories which has been gaining momentum and even making its way into the mainstream media discussions in recent months is the theory that the 'virus' allegedly responsible for causing Covid is in fact a bioweapon and the brainchild of Anthony Fauci & Co., created in the notorious, not-so-secret government lab(s) (either in Wuhan and/or Fort Detrick) where Fauci (in Wuhan) and other high-level establishment players have been actively engaged in gain of function research for years, where they have been, in laymen's terms, working to make naturally occurring viruses like the coronavirus far more dangerous and deadly than they are ever capable of becoming through the natural process of evolution and mutation. And NHS's slight of hand, likely at Fauci's direction, to change the definition of this particular strain of research does nothing to negate the fact that this experimentation was and still is taking place, whether the establishment puppets are calling it 'gain of function' or something else, it is still very much the exact same research being conducted, quite often inhumanely, which attempts to weaponize pathogens at the expense of the health and safety of the whole human population.

Putting all of the legitimate criticism of germ theory aside, the bio-weapon theory, most commonly known as the 'lab leak theory' (though it is equally possible that a human-engineered virus or some other type bio-weapon was actually intentionally leaked from a lab), is very tenable and worth investigating as a very real possibility, as the evidence that Dr. Fauci, funded and facilitated by the US government, was absolutely engaged in overseeing gain of function research on coronaviruses in Chinese research labs in Wuhan (at the Wuhan Institute of Virology), is overwhelming and undeniable; as is the fact that bio-weapon research at Fort Detrick has led to the release of a number of cancer-causing toxins including contamination of local well and spring water that has wreaked havoc on the populations in the area over the years (1, 2). Fort Detrick's bioweapon labs were even temporarily shut down in July 2019, following standard CDC inspections which found two serious breaches of containment, the details of which are unclear due to redactions in the report, just months before the first recognized 'Covid19' cases were reported.

The radical and abrupt establishment shift away from the initial depiction of all CV-19 bioweapon and lab leak theories as outlandishly false and crazy fringe 'conspiracy theories' to the recent embracing of the lab leak theory as a viable possibility is quite curious, and a bit suspicious, especially considering that this sharp about-face on the issue seems far more in line with pushing an agenda to demonize and lay blame for the 'pandemic' on China in order to deflect attention away from Fort Detrick and the likely possibility that a US-based lab could in fact be the point of the 'lab leak' rather than a genuine interest in the truth of the matter.

As the BBC noted earlier in the year, until May of this year when President Joe Biden "ordered a 90-day probe into whether the Covid-19 virus came from a lab accident or emerged from human contact with an infected animal," "the 'Wuhan lab leak' theory had been dismissed by most scientists as a fringe conspiracy theory." Now the 'lab leak' theory is steadily gaining traction thanks to corporate media attention, though still isolated to the 'Wuhan lab leak' theory in establishment/mainstream circles, and the evidence suggesting biolab origin with Fauci's fingerprints all over it is abundant, even if not yet entirely definitive.

On March 31, for example, Vanity Fair published an in-depth, controversial and narrative-changing report "drawing on over 100,000 leaked documents" following the magazine's investigation that "shows how an organization dedicated to preventing the next pandemic found itself suspected of helping start one."

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In the words of an April headline in the UK's Daily Mail, Fauci's "Proposal to help prevent the next pandemic instead may have created a 'road map' for COVID-19."

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The Vanity Fair Report, as summarized in the Daily Mail, "details how EcoHealth operated in a world of 'murky grant agreements, flimsy oversight, and the pursuit of government funds for scientific advancement, in part by pitching research of steeply escalating risk.'"

The report does not offer conclusive evidence as to whether COVID leaked from experiments in a Wuhan lab that worked closely with EcoHealth, or was transmitted to humans by an animal in a 'natural spillover' event, as Daszak has long insisted.

But it does outline the lengths to which Daszak -- and Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose agency helped fund his research -- went to try to cast doubt on the lab-origin theory and downplay the potential role of risky research that EcoHealth supported in Wuhan.

US Senator Rand Paul, during senate hearings earlier this year, called out Fauci and the NIH for lying about not funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology when in fact they were (1, 2), casting responsibility upon Fauci and the NIH for their likely role in the creation and release of the 'virus', described as a product of Fauci's dangerous and still ongoing gain of function research, saying that "all the evidence is pointing that it ['SARS-COV2'] came from the [Wuhan] lab," a claim hotly denied by Fauci who argued he wasn't engaged in funding said research, apparently because NIH had just changed the definition of what constitutes 'gain of function' research. That Fauci was deeply involved in the gain of function research that led to the release of the 'virus'/bioweapon resulting in the COVID 'pandemic', assuming the 'bioweapon'/'lab leak' theory is valid of course, is both well documented and fully supported by Fauci's long career of engineering and then profiteering off 'pandemics', pushing known deadly pharmaceutical drugs on the American (and African) populations, suppressing known safe and effective alternative treatments in favor of the far more profitable but dangerous and ineffective pharmaceuticals, conducting dangerous and unethical medical research on children, and even admittedly openly lying to the American public 'for the greater good' - all documented in the extraordinarily well researched and documented expose, RFK Jr.'s must-read new bestseller, 'The Real Anthony Fauci'.

The purpose of this post, however, is not really to delve into the question of the exact source of the 'virus', if even a virus at all, but simply whether or not the source (or one of the sources) of disease labeled 'Covid19' is in fact a human engineered bioweapon designed in and released from a lab, most likely US-run and operated, and whether it is also being caused and spread through the experimental mRNA injections being falsely called COVID 'vaccines'. And now that I have finally had my own personal experience battling this highly unusual and often detrimental, even deadly disease, I feel that I should share my experience and how it has further shaped my theory as to what exactly this mysterious monster is, the nature of its origins, and also how it is being perpetuated long after it should have passed through its natural course and either disappeared or become an easily manageable common illness just like the common cold, the flu, and all the rest.

My first direct experience with 'Covid19' was at a hippie commune in California, where one test-'confirmed' COVID case managed to spread the disease to just one other of the dozen of us, immediately challenging in my mind the notion that this so-called virus was either highly contagious or deadly as depicted on the TV, as these first two COVID 'cases' that I directly witnessed did not exhibit any of the severe symptoms attributed to COVID, and appeared to simply be typical flu cases. Since then, I have written extensively on the theory that 'Covid19' is not in fact a disease caused by a respiratory virus dubbed 'SARS-CoV2', as said virus has yet to be proven to exist or cause disease, but rather a conglomeration of various illnesses, including the flu among others, all being labelled as one singular disease - the COVID.

At the same time, I have also heard many first hand stories, and now experienced my own such story, of people coming down with a much more serious illness than the one I was first introduced to as the COVID, all with a number of similar symptoms and featuring a brutally slow recovery, what the establishment is now calling 'long Covid'. I've also written on this subject and how 'long Covid' appears to be a total scam in which a variety of bizarre symptoms from sudden hair loss to numb toes are being lumped together as a singular illness called 'long Covid', even when these symptoms are arising in those who have never had the disease just as often as in those who are among 'confirmed' COVID cases. Nevertheless, based on everything I have heard and seen and now experienced, and in light of two years of extensive research on the subject, it does seem to me that there is indeed a new disease unlike previous respiratory and seasonal illnesses, making up a relatively small fraction of total reported Covid 'cases', and that 'long Covid', though not necessarily as depicted by the establishment, is indeed a very real thing.

This does not necessarily need to contradict the other valid theories out there about COVID and its true nature and origins, however. For example, disease being called COVID could both be caused by a bioweapon and at the same time not be caused by a virus. How is this, you may ask? Quite simple, really. Peer-reviewed scientific research found that the spike proteins absent the 'virus' damaged cells in the very same way the 'virus' is said to - "proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease," even without presence of the 'virus' itself, meaning that even if there is a real virus out there that is truly causing Covid in some patients, the scientific research still indicates that the existence of this 'virus' is not a necessary ingredient for the existence and perpetuation of Covid itself. As the Salk paper on this study explains:

Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.

Additionally, the experimental mRNA 'vaccines' admittedly 'work' by injecting the body with instructions to make this toxic spike protein in the body, and the fact that this newly created spike protein following injection has been repeatedly shown in peer-reviewed scientific/medical journals to not stay in the muscle tissue at the site of injection but is rather found circulating throughout the bloodstream just hours following injection indicates that the 'vaccine' itself is clearly capable of causing COVID. This is confirmed in CDC's vaccine injury database where COVID and flu-like illness has been widely reported as a frequent adverse reaction following injection, and supported by the disproportionate number of COVID cases reported in the recently 'vaccinated', a phenomenon going all the way back to the months immediately following the beginning of the COVID 'vaccination' campaign, not to mention the scientific studies finding that the 'vaccine' is influencing injection recipients "in a way as if they experienced infection," with large numbers of recipients developing COVID symptoms following injection. Additionally, it has by now also been conclusively demonstrated that these experimental injections are also causing 'long Covid' in recipients who never contracted the disease (at least not prior to injection), a ground-shaking experience shared by Jimmy Dore (and thousands of others), with such injection recipients exhibiting the very same patterns of symptoms as actual COVID patients experiencing 'long Covid' following initial disease recovery. Interestingly, this 'vaccine'-induced 'long Covid' is successfully treated with the exact same alternative treatment regimens being used successfully for unvaccinated COVID and 'long Covid' patients, indicating that the 'vaccine'-induced variations of COVID are likely much the same or even no different at all from the non-'vaccine' induced cases of COVID.

This of course suggests a similar, if not the very same cause of disease, in both those contracting the disease 'naturally' and via the toxic, experimental mRNA injections. And if the man-made injections are causing disease without presence of the 'virus' allegedly responsible for COVID, it seems likely that the 'natural' cases of COVID are similarly being caused by a human creation, whether by a human-engineered virus or other bioweapon, which could reasonably be done without a virus at all, in exactly the same or a very similar way that the injections are causing disease. Could a bioweapon have been created with the spike proteins of the so-called 'novel coronavirus' without an actual virus to carry them? Could those behind the creation of these deadly experimental injections also be behind the previous creation of a virus-free bioweapon utilizing this toxic spike protein which was released, accidentally or intentionally, leading to the initial so-called Covid 'pandemic'? Certainly! So the only question left, then, is did they?

If they did, and the original 'virus', whatever it actually is, is a human-engineered bioweapon, it would naturally appear that the 'vaccine' is simply the latest delivery system for this bioweapon or the newest version of this bioweapon experiment. And if the 'vaccine' is a bioweapon that can cause both COVID and 'long Covid', then the next question to ask is whether this bioweapon is only able to target injection recipients, or whether it can also target the unvaccinated who come into close contact with the recently injected, through 'vaccine shedding', which is a very real thing, especially with gene therapy products (among which, these experimental mRNA injections absolutely are), and it is a well known risk even acknowledged by the FDA - for years.

The above-linked article documents several studies demonstrating that 'vaccine' shedding is definitely occurring with the Covid injections, the only question being what all is being shed from the injected to the non-injected, apart from antibodies, and does this include the toxic spike protein or other toxic aspects of these injections such as the lipid nanoparticles utilized in these shots. VAERS reports also indicate that 'vaccine' injury via shedding is occurring in lactating women, toxic aspects of the injection being shed from the mother to baby through breastmilk. The Last American Vagabond has, throughout this entire saga, done a most excellent job of documenting the evidence of 'vaccine shedding' specifically in regards to these experimental mRNA injections, proving at the very least that this 'vaccine' has the potential to shed, and to shed the disease-inducing toxic spike protein - see also this show and this one for full context and extensive documentation of the facts surrounding this most contentious issue.

In light of all the hard evidence combined with my own personal experience and a number of anecdotal evidences, the conclusion I have arrived at is that dangerous 'vaccine' shedding absolutely could be, and likely is occurring, and may be a widespread cause of disease in the unvaccinated. My theory on this particular point has been strengthened from my own personal experience with COVID, and has shifted somewhat in regards to whether the so-called virus is a bioweapon, and since it is my belief that direct personal experience is the most direct way to the truth, I will now share that experience and how it has influenced my view of COVID with readers.

It's been two months now since I first got sick this fall, and I am still recovering, though finally beginning to come close to full recovery I believe. At first, it seemed pretty much like every other time I get sick with the flu or some seasonal illness. First I had a sore throat for a day, then that disappeared and a fever set in, along with a very mild and short-lived cough, accompanied by a general tiredness, achiness and just feeling sick. That lasted for five days, and then I began to feel better. The fever left, I began to regain my strength, and so, just like every other time I've been sick, I began to start to be active again, little by little as I felt better. And that's when it became apparent that nothing about this illness was 'normal'. The least amount of exertion seemingly undid in an instant the last several days of healing, and I was left in an awful state of extreme muscle fatigue and physical tiredness, totally enveloped in a debilitating mental fog - the 'brain fog' so frequently reported and associated with 'long Covid', at least this one thing being very real I was beginning to realize. It took me some time to realize that each time I began to feel like I was getting better, I really wasn't, and that even the smallest amount of physical exertion too much would instantly send me back into that most awful state where resting was the one and only option. Each time this occurred, the sickness following the physical exertion during the beginning of apparent recovery which followed the previous plunge back into sickness seemed worse than before, even if the physical exertion was less than the time before.

This period lasted for about a month, even after I realized what was happening, as my attempts to know and act within my limits were foiled in a number of different ways, but eventually the right amount of rest combined with enough of the right supplements and a good mental mindset led to the beginning of a real, but incredibly slow recovery that continues to this day, though I am feeling so much better now it is hard to imagine being as sick as I was then for so long.

I had heard a number of personal COVID horror stories from friends and family, but until I had my own COVID experience, I had only personally witnessed mild COVID 'cases' that resembled the flu, or common cold, or anything but the monstrous disease the propagandists described in their fear-mongering attempts to convince humanity that she was on the brink of total annihilation. Then I had my own experience, and a taste of illness that felt much more like the horror stories the media incessantly covered. The worst part about it was the brain fog, and my inability to elevate my mental state beyond a certain threshold. Nothing about this illness felt natural, especially the way in which it seemed to latch on and not let go, even when the body appeared to have begun healing. Like so many others I've heard similar stories to, the only way I could describe it is that if felt like a bio-weapon, entirely unnatural and like no illness I have ever encountered. It felt as though whatever this thing was, it had latched onto my body, in my muscles, and wouldn't let go. During this month of most intense illness, whenever I would begin to feel better and then inadvertantly stress a particular muscle, that muscle would first feel extremely sore, and then this muscle exhaustion and pain would begin to quickly spread to muscles all throughout my body, even ones I hadn't stressed at all - a most bizarre and unnatural feeling!

It is worth noting that I believe rest was the most crucial ingredient to healing, and for myself was combined with a regimen of raw vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercitin and magnesium, and at times several additional immune-boosting supplements as well. Also did one course of ivermectin, which may or may not have contributed to my eventual healing, and the same can be said for the blue iodine I also took early on in this saga.

Having experienced all this, I still cannot say I know exactly what COVID is or is not, nor what exactly led to the true start of my healing; all I can say is that it sure felt like a bio-weapon straight out of hell, and recovering from this monster has turned out to be the fight of a lifetime. Looking at my experience through the lens of the official government/media narrative, I couldn't figure out who I could have 'caught' the 'virus' from. Not that this bothered me, as I had long ago concluded the official narrative was a big lie, the only question being where the actual truth lay. I hadn't been in contact with anyone exhibiting any symptoms, and certainly hadn't had the 15 minute exposure to anyone outside the property here as required by the CDC to be considered sufficient exposure to contract the 'virus', or to be officially considered a 'contact' capable of contracting and spreading the 'virus'. Maybe I didn't catch it from anyone, because maybe germ theory is total BS as it increasingly seems to be, and this was caused by other factors, whether internal or external. But what?

And then I got to thinking. I had come down with this illness half way through the two-week stay here of two vaccinated gals, and I remembered all the evidence supporting the theory that these injections are indeed shedding. It had felt like a bio-weapon, a number of prestigious doctors and scientists have called this experimental injection a bio-weapon, and here I was falling ill after a week of frequent exposure to two vaccinated people. I may never know for sure, and I certainly can't prove it, but I suspect 'vaccine shedding' is the most likely cause of my period of illness, and it sure felt like the result of a bio-weapon to me.

In recent weeks as my recovery began to speed up, we had another visitor here who was also just recovering from a similarly intense bout with COVID/'long Covid', and as chance would have it, she too also came down with her illness half way through a month-long stay at a hostel surrounded by the vaccinated, being the only non vaccinated person there. What are the odds of that being just a coincidence, that we both fell ill with the same general set of long-lasting symptoms during a stay with vaccinated folks, and how many of these 'coincidences' must there be before we all begin to seriously consider that 'vaccine shedding' is likely a very real thing, with very real and dangerous consequences? Nor is this the only person I know who appears to have gotten 'vaccine shedding'-induced COVID, and I have friends who also personally know of several more such 'coincidental' cases...

Whatever COVID really is, and wherever and however it truly originated, the technocratic/trans-humanist/Big Pharma agenda being pushed by the engineers of this 'pandemic' and the Great Reset is nefarious, the 'vaccine' is demonstrably dangerous (1, 2, 3, 4), and the engineers of this globalist agenda so utterly greedy, heartless and psychotic that creating a deadly bioweapon to further that agenda is but child's play for these sick elites in the larger context of the demonstrable sweeping and irreparable harm their tyrannical 'pandemic policies' have caused to humanity over the course of the past three years.

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