Day 603. Soviet battle dolphins will avenge Russia! Kherson front grows.


The useless Russian attack. And once again we see Russia attempting to desperately flail itself forward. Losing badly and getting broken. Instead of slow careful combined unit advances we see the Russian Force throwing larger numbers into a meat grinder. Russian forces just drive the entire advanced straight into a big huge pile of minefields. The attempt at in circles continues to go badly for the red army. The worster that it goes, the more that we see Russian forces attempting to make their position even more bad off.

Russian panic in Kherson.

ATACMS has absolutely changed the battlefield in ukraine. The Ukrainian deployment of this weapon system has absolutely reduced the forward operation capability as a Red army dramatically. Lending to this massive 5 km penetration on the southern front. Incredibly even though Russian forces know that this airfield was easily within range. Incredibly they just negligently left all this extremely valuable close air support as well as all the support network for this Air Base to operate.

But of course Ukrainian forces didn't stop there. They also hit the military transportation hub to logistically supply the airfield and other military installations. Turing this entire pile into a smoking wreck. Of course being able to support the entire missile defense force in the area has taken a back seat. Now we watch the entire Russian military begin to scramble.

On top of that I'm also going to say that Ukrainian forces have now shipped a bunch of these long range missiles and grown weapon systems on to the oil rig platforms in the Black Sea there by catastrophically and incredibly increasing range for the Ukrainian weapon systems.

Double Ukrainian breakthrough. 3000 Russian soldiers are in danger.

Russia sends battle dolphins to the northwest of Crimea.

Russian State media sure upsets Russians in Siberia for claims that one dumb lady and the entirety of Russia wants to Nuke another part of russia. And then of course you also then watch the Russian media attempt to walk back the statement that they put out there of nuclear warfare against their own country.


About 20 of these precision metals have been deployed and I think we've seen a bunch of them used. The fact that we are watching the complete and total destruction of the front line Russian air assets that completely remove all air support from the Red army front lines in the south absolutely changes the entire game.

However on top of that we also see this situation forcing Vladimir Putin into calling this entire conflict a war. Which by Russian state law means that Russia is in trouble and needs to prosecute and jail Vladimir Putin.

Incredibly we see that "Putin believes that the delivery of missiles by the United States to Ukraine is their mistake because it seems to prolong Ukraine's agony"

That might be a big huge problem. In fact this hubris might be the end of the entire Russian conflict.

Of course seeing a bunch of British multiple lunch missile systems going to Ukraine is now this kind of expected at this point. Weapon systems from around the world by to get the combat proven designation.

3,000 Russian troops in danger.

18 drones pound kursk oblast. Amazingly we actually see Russian forces completely and totally limited on any capability to defend themselves and this military base.

After 3,000 soldiers being located at this base that just got hit there is some major fears on if the damage is going to be too catastrophic for the military units to survive. Then the 80 pieces of military equipment as well...

The biggest thing is is that there is absolutely no insurance that any of the attacks do this military base are going to stop or even slow down anytime in the near future. Ukrainian forces now absolutely have the military coordinates so it's only a matter of time until we watch this entire thing collapse in on itself.



I really don't think we're going to see armored vehicle losses and a catastrophic defeat on the scale ever again. I think it really is going to be the last time in human history that such a wasteful display of military ineptitude will be allowed. I really pity whoever ends up being held responsible for this entire catastrophe in Russia...

Ukrainian drone reconnaissance was able to track down a grad missile launcher. Unfortunately for Russia the Ukrainian forces didn't immediately attack and waited for this valuable piece of military hardware to drive back to its military base and Park right next to another one. Which now means that Ukrainian forces were able to use even more of their precision munitions. As well as also acquiring quite a bit more data on Russian military movements and I'm sure that data is absolutely going to pay off.

Battle dolphins for Russian world domination!

Well a bunch of trained battle dolphins are now coming out as the greatest Russian wonder weapon that will save the entire Soviet dream. Of course I'm not sure exactly how trained dolphins are going to change the entire conflict. I'm not exactly sure if that is even allowable. And I'm really hoping that the people for ethical treatment of animals can get involved in this entire conflict and tell Russia to stop and to knock it off. Of course I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen however I do know that the more desperate we see Russia getting, the more Wilder the claims are going to be.

Putin admits American missiles are a threat.

And most incredibly he does say that this is a war. And instead of a special military operation this now means that Russia absolutely does know exactly what they're doing.

The entire fear that Russia is going to retaliate over these missiles being delivered to Russia have ended up being completely unfounded as the only thing that Vladimir Putin could do was just admit they are a threat. Incredibly and of course while it is a threat it is also a huge admission of weakness. Yep that's right in fact that Red army cannot do anything more than bluster and threaten is now being well proven. However luckily there isn't any Russian extremist threats of nuclear war happening just yet.

Nope of course we see Vladimir Putin traveling and showing off his nuclear football. However the trip to China just proves that he'll do whatever he can to cling to a shred of dominance and power. Especially as we watch age destroy his virility.

Of course all of the new drone hit footage he comes out with is absolutely totally insane. I can absolutely and completely see how come the Red army is having such problem with this entire conflict. Drone warfare and it's employment definitely is changing the entire conflict. In fact that we can see individuals fly these amazing weapons and precisely deliver ordinance capability inherent in these weapon systems.

Center front!

Russian forces ended up losing 355 soldiers as well as getting the front line fractured in two different places. The central front penetration has apparently gotten hammered open and now as Ukrainian forces start to spread and take over the Russian battle lines from behind we really watch this entire oyster open. Exposing the extremely soft underbelly of the Russian military front line.



Ukrainian forces decided to cross the river and take two settlements. Coverage of all this is going out like wildfire. The fact that Russian forces really ended up in disarray is absolutely because the Ukrainian special operators decided to very specifically kidnap and interrogate a Russian major. This rushing officer gave up the goods and exposed the weakest points of the Russian front lines as the drawdown and collapse of the entire front line in this area rapidly approaches. Now that we see Ukrainian forces Hammer into this bridge and spread out just enough to provide enough land area for a temporary pontoon bridge to be put in. I'm sure that Ukrainian engineers are so extremely busy on this that they are running heavy equipment endlessly to be able to get the first tanks and artillery pieces across the Dnipro River!

ATP geopolitics!

The best and clearest breakdown of what's going down on the front lines.

Ukrainian Southern advanced takes another town. Russian fall offensive fails again.

Russian forces got hit by Ukrainian military forces delivering extremely precise artillery rounds. The fact that the destruction of the front lines caused a complete train wreck meant that Russian forces were forced into retreating on foot while leaving perfectly good military equipment on the battlefield to be destroyed and or captured by the Ukrainian military forces that absolutely were going to advance and take possession of all the scrap metal. The fact that we continue to watch Ukrainian forces take the Red army on head first absolutely shocks the senses.

In another Russian attack we watch the lead elements drive right on top of land mines and then get absolutely destroyed and demolished by Western precision artillery shells that are those wonderful cluster munitions. Talk about bang for buck we see the Ukrainian forces dismount and attempt to resituate themselves possibly to advance and then take one of those Russian cluster munitions directly as an incredible hit.

On top of that we also see Ukrainian 45 positions striking Russian tanks however in the documented video that we see that's happening in the tank just shrugs off the anti-tank hit and then promptly runs over Ukrainian an ambush mine layer!

Russian forces are slowly coming around and starting to understand that this entire offensive is a huge mistake and catastrophic losses have been incurred.


In southern front we watch Ukrainian forces continue to consolidate the phenomenal gains that they've been able to achieve. Watching Ukrainian forces take advantage of the Red army intelligence after they kidnapped that Russian major in an extremely targeted and well thought out mission. The information that they were able to get from that absolutely changes this entire conflict because now we watch a bigger wedge being driven into the southern front and even more bridgeheads.

The fact that we are seeing Russian forces shelling in certain districts really highlights the fact that Ukrainian forces absolutely are operational in those areas and are as deep as the Russian military bloggers fear they are. Continuing to watch all of this rip itself apart we will see how things end up eventually working out

The fact that you Ukrainian forces continue to retreat from even more key settlements is just showing how badly this is unraveling. Russian forces are continuing to retreat and fall back because there is no other choice. The fact that they pulled so many men out of this entire front line shows how badly they screwed up. Or maybe it is wisdom as they knew that this day would come after the entire collapse of this exact same front. It's like that entire army is being punished for abandoning all of their equipment and supplies overnight in the catastrophic retreat.

Hearing that Ukrainian forces are operating upwards of 19 speed boats to shift people and equipment across the river. That actually means that we're seeing a massive amount of coordination and logistical support at the same time we're also seeing a phenomenal amount of cover being provided. Ukrainian forces having destroyed the local military airfield has now sapped the Red army from being able to respond in meaningful ways. Which now allows the Ukrainian forces to further penetrate and establish even more of a bridgehead before the Red army finally decides to completely retreat and stampede towards perceived safety.

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