Teaching children to live healthy in a unique way |

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Students of real work college (KKN) Malikussaleh University Group 090 provide education on clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) and how to wash hands according to the WHO's six steps in Kindergarten/Paud Jabal Nur, Paya Lhok Hamlet, Paya Punteuet Village, Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe City, Wednesday (03/11/2021). Activities are carried out with interesting methods to

Head of the 090 Group, Mohd Reza Bahlia, said the activity was aimed at educating kindergarten and early childhood education children to familiarize themselves with a healthy lifestyle since childhood.

"This activity is very important to teach children about clean and healthy living behavior and practice it in daily life," explained Reza who studies at the Faculty of Medicine, Malikussaleh University.

He added, by teaching children to adopt clean and healthy living behavior from an early age, it is hoped that children can maintain the cleanliness of themselves and their environment and can lead a healthy lifestyle in the future.

The Jabal Nur Kindergarten and PAUD children were very enthusiastic about participating in all series of activities, starting from group gymnastics followed by paying attention to the delivery of material to practicing how to wash hands properly according to WHO recommendations and covered with group photos.

The Jabal Nur Kindergarten/Paud school supports this activity and assesses that student activities are very innovative by using animated videos based on electronic media that can attract students' interest.

Meanwhile, the field supervisor for Group 090, Dwi Iramadhani M.Psi, a psychologist, said that early childhood has unique stages of development. Children will learn and do activities from a uniquely exemplified learning process.

This activity helps early childhood to understand the importance of healthy and clean living activities in a concrete way. This is because children have a need to learn from direct experience so that they can stick to their long-term memory.

“KKN 090 students provide this space so that younger siblings can understand how to do it in an interesting way using songs and other media. This is expected to encourage children to return to their homes in the future and in their daily lives," said Dwi Iramadhani.

Students who are members of the 090 KKN group of Malikussaleh University are Mohd Reza Bahlia, Annisa Amelia Lubis, Annisaul Ula, Gina Sonia Rahmah, and Moulida Aziza from Medical Education.

Then, Elena Permatasari and Nurul A'la from as well as Maghfiratun Misla and Meutia Muadzah from the Development Economics Study Program.

The activity began with joint gymnastics in the Jabal Nur Kindergarten yard which was attended by teachers, kindergarten students, and KKN students. Furthermore, the delivery of material about clean and healthy living behavior. During the material, it is interspersed with games and singing which contains education so that it is easier for children to understand and understand the material presented.[]

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