When Antivaxxers got Vaccinated

Being a public figure often time is very beneficial for someone. They can use thier popularity to get a very rewarding job, or get several other privileges which not everyone can get easily. Also by being a public figure, everything we do can be an example for our fans, some will follow our path even if the path we took are wrong.

Recently, Jerinx one of the musician from Bali is a strong believer that Covid is just a conspiracy. And all of the death occured or caused by the virus is just a blown up case by the media. He even opposing the vaccine, didn't want to be vaccinated because he think that vaccine is just a way for big company in the world to get money and control the world.


Most of his fans is following his footstep, opposing the vaccine, condemning the medical staff who take care of the covid patients, saying they doctors are just a WHO's slaves. In turns making the covid handling even more complicated in Indonesia, especially in Bali. Because the case are rising, it effected the island tourism, its hard to open the island for visitor when the case is still high. Who would even want to come, and risking thier health isn't it?

Now, when he is being questioned by the police in Jakarta because someone sue him for threatening, he agree to be vaccinated, and even saying that the people should not overly afraid of the vaccine. His latest move and voice is a bit shocking, good because it might help the government in handling the covid. But sad for those who already follow his steps, and even got a bad consequence because of him and his idea.

If only everyone want to at least hear what the experts say and prove with thier research and not a public figure, with no real research just taking and spewing conspiracy theory, covid might not be as complicated as it is now here in Indonesia

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