The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP


The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

The Wheel of Time, probably my favorite TV series with House of The Dragon, the second one soon to have its second season but be sure that The Wheel of Time doesn’t fall short. The Wheel of Time is a now a TV Series based on the book series of the same name by Robert Jordan, as most of the time I have not read any of the books, from what I have look up on its Fandom page its a fifteen book series that started back on 1990, a world full of magic where women for the most part are the ones in control of the power, the ones that can wild The One Power, men are usually the destructive side of the story, the very few men that can wild the power usually end up corrupt close to destroying everything on their path and its the mission of the Aes Sedai, to stop this men drunk in power but there is a prophesy that the Dragon will be reborn, the Dragon is the champion of light that will fight against The Dark One who has come to earth to destroy it.
Moiraine Damodred (the women in blue) took Rand al Thor (top right white bold guy) to The Eye of The World to fight the dark one, she thought that the Rand was the Dragon, the chosen one, it seem that the five kids she took under her wing back on season one they are all powerful but who is the real Dragon, Rand tried to fight Ishmael but he doesn’t have the experience, training or power to do so, after the encounter with Ishamael they all split and are now on their own path. Moiraine was probably the one who took the worst part as she cant not touch the power anymore and her Warder, Lan Mandragoran, the warrior who protects her, each Aes Sedai usually has a Warder to protect her but there are few exceptions, their bond has been broken leaving Lan with a lot of questions and Moiraine in solitude as she now feels empty inside. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP


At the beginning of season 2, Ishamael is seen with a girl who was initially running away from three Trolloc that were in the yard of the place she was staying, inside there was a meeting from different people who were cover up in black ropes, the Dark Social meeting. Ishamael takes the girl outside and show her that the Trolloc is probably afraid, he is not a monster and both pet the Trolloc.

Latter during the episode the same girl was been chase by Padan Fain who was seen at the Dark Social meeting, he smile at her but latter on he was seen chasing her, I wonder if she is the Dragon or this are scenes from another time and the girl is just a representation of a future Aes Sedai.
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP

Egwene (left in white) Nynaeve (middle in white) form part of the five potential Dragons that Moiraine took under her wing, after season one they both went back to The White Tower to become novice and learn how to control their powers, both usually can only wild their power when they are under a lot of pressure, fear, anger, they has to start from the bottom as most Aes Sadai do, Egwene has all the willing to learn but Nynaeve on the other hand refuse, she is hard headed and feels she do not belong there but at the same time wont leave because she is there to protect Egwene, latter on we will find out that this is not so true and that formula doesn’t work anymore.

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP

Moiraine has been looking for a sign, she has been meditating and figuring a way to get back in touch with the source, trying to figure out what will be the next move and if the battle between Rand and Ishamael was the last or the first one, she talk to a sailor who brought her a poem and a rock, a heart stone, the power was found next to the heart stone written in blood, the sailor is been follow by Shadow Spawns, creatures of The Dark One.

Things between Moiraine and Lan are very tense, she doesn't tell him much and he is lost without her, for some inexplicably reason she keeps pushing him away, not sure if she feels he will die for nothing protecting her or if she doesn't need him to protect her anymore, the bond between Warder and Aes Sadai is close to what loves feels, its said that the Warder can feel everything his Aes Sedai does, if she is afraid, sick, in pain, worry, not been able to know all this things from Moiraine is killing Lan and he is doesn't seem to be patient enough to know that Moiraine doesnt want him close for now, he thinks he know her because they had this bond before but you never stop knowing a person, you cant go through all circumstances in life with everyone you think you know.

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP


At The White Tower Aes Sedai fight for power, they all do in some way, Liandrin Guirale is part of the Red Ajah, those Aes Sedai who police the misuse of the power, they have no Warder and are very powerful, Liandrin has shown in season one how she show no mercy for the enemy, she is trying to show Nynaeve her true power because she thinks she is the best weapon that has come to their door step in over a thousand years, the perfect weapon against The Dark One, she tries to make Nynaeye to focus her anger and wild the power but she sort of understand Liandrin just wants to manipulate her.

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP

Next to Liandrin is Mat, who is in a very comfortable “jail” because he has a history of taking a dagger from a place that was full of shadows, shadows that belong to The Dark One, he got posses by this dark power that was on the dagger but at the same time he was feeding from it becoming more powerful like he was destine to use the dark power, now Mat is under observation, prisoner at The White Tower, seems that Liandrin is the one in charge to watch him. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I didn’t expect episode one to be full of action, this are very sad moments for Moiraine and Lan, moments to meditate and figure out whats coming next now that she is in disadvantage since she cant wild the power, we don’t know where all other five main characters are so there are five stories to talk about probably during the first three episodes, we get close to four of them but mainly just Egwene and Nynaeve the most part, there still Rand, Mat and Perrin story after Rand went to The Eye of The World, Moiraine has been exile from The White Tower but she has decided to go back even if she dies trying and that’s what almost happen close to the end of episode one, I’m sure she wont die that easy but Land had some work to do, I didn’t want to spoil the only action scene of the episode. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time - SEASON 2 TRAILER -


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