Cine TV Contest #113 - Favorite Movie with Numbers


Murder by Numbers is a 2002 crime thriller starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling The film is about a mysterious murder that was brilliantly planned by two high school students.

The story

The story is about a police detective named Cassie May Weathers Sandra Bullock who works in a small town and finds herself in front of a complex murder The crime is very well planned by two smart young men Richard Ryan Gosling and Justin Michael Pitt who believe that they can get away with their crime without anyone being able to catch them The idea is that they are trying to prove that they can commit a perfect crime without leaving any evidence behind them.

Sandra Bullock gave a very strong performance as a detective with a painful past who is trying to prove herself in her job Her role was complex and combined strength and weakness at the same time On the other hand Ryan Gosling presented the character of a young man who has excessive confidence in himself and that he is above the law and this was very clear in his way and acting style that made the character scary and mysterious.


The directing was good and maintained an atmosphere of tension throughout the movie There are many moments that keep you on the edge of your seat from the suspense especially when you find that the detective is getting closer to solving the mystery The atmosphere was dark and mysterious and this helped convey the sense of tension that the heroes of the movie are experiencing.

The plot of the movie is interesting and tries to reveal the details of the crime step by step But at times you may feel that there is a slow pace in the events or that the movie is going around in circles a bit But overall the plot was interesting and enough to make you watch the movie to the end.

Murder by Numbers is an enjoyable movie for fans of crime and thriller movies The performances were strong and the story has enough twists to keep you following But you may feel a little slow in the second half of the movie If you like movies with investigations and psychological tricks you might like this movie.

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