Battlestar Galactica The Original Series

I used to watch this as a kid when it was on tv a few years after its original release. This fun bit captures the spirit of the show. The resourceful fleeing human colonials make things go pear shaped for the genocidal Cylons in a big way in this episode. This was my favorite tv show way back in the early 80s.

The new Galactica that came out in the 2000s feels like a different series. The Cylons have infiltration models that pass for humans. The traitor of the colonies, Baltar, is as depraved as in the original but his motivations are somewhat different from the Baltar in the old series.

The 1970s original looks much more cheaply made than the 21st century remake, of course. But it was so exciting.

Did you also watch Battlestar Galactica as a child or maybe later? Did you ever see the original series?

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