Jasom Momoa's SEE - Final Chapter


Our ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch make human experience so amazing. Yet, quite often these five senses are taken for granted and not given enough thought about. Imagine a world where one of these senses are lost for all humanity, what would such world look like. Only through our imagination we can see such possible reality. Even then we wouldn't be able to draw a full picture in details. SEE is an Apple TV Plus science fiction series that present a story of a post-apocalyptic world in a distant future where most of human population wiped out due to a virus, and decedents of survivors have lost sense of sight.

In this world, people have adapted to live without vision. Although they have no sense of sight, their other sense are stronger than ever and relying on them they are still able to navigate through the world, build societies and empires. They have developed ways to communicate, that was never need before. Having no vision has become a normal phenomenon. Even in these conditions, although very rarely, some are born with sense of sight. Ability to see is not normal anymore, and considered a curse of the past, something that brought destruction to the world. Those are born with vision are considered to be witches and evil. They have designated special elite soldiers who hunt and kills those to be known to have sense of sight. These elite soldiers are called witch hunters.

The interesting and sad part of this world is that, people still fight, they still have wars. I would expect after going through devastating events that nearly killed all of humanity, those who survived would attempt to build a better world, there world where there is no need for wars, there is no need for oppressions, a world that is welcoming to all. Perhaps such world wouldn't make an interesting story, and there would be no need to produce tv show about.

There has been two seasons of the show so far. It looks like third and final season of SEE will be available for streaming on August 26th, 2022. SEE was one of the first original TV series created for Apple TV Plus, and was a success. Apple always wanted to enter streaming market. It took them a while to figure out how to do it, but they finally were managed to execute the plan, and Apple TV Plus was born. Since it is one of the newer streaming services, and doesn't have huge selection of movies and TV shows their userbase is still low. However, they were able to leverage their loyal customer base of Apple product users to get the service started. Their streaming service is not too expensive. Last time I checked it was $5 a month, and they used to include streaming as free service for a year for buying iPhones, Applet TV devices, etc.

Since its first launch, Apple TV Plus has made a good progress and continues to keep original movies and TV shows to their platform. Competition in streaming space is real, and future will tell which one of these services will survive long term. Since Apple does well financially with their other products and services, I think Apple TV Plus will be among the last standing platforms. One of the secrets of Apple's success has always been their customer service centric approach to business, and giving their customers the best products and services. If they don't lose sight of this strength, and apply the same philosophy to their streaming platform, I believe Apple TV Plus itself can become a story of success. One thing I do not like with their current model is that, they release only one episode a week, even though the full seasons is ready. I wish they would learn from Netflix, on how they make all episodes of the new season available the same day and let the customers decide when they would prefer to watch. I can't think of any benefit of releasing only one episode a week model.

Spoiler Alert: If you haven't seen SEE yet and don't want to read spoilers, please stop reading here and feel free to come back after watching the series.

I have not seen the trailer for the final season of SEE yet. I have watched previous two seasons, and they were very interesting. I indent to watch the final season as well, to see how the story ends. The story of SEE in the first season started with Baba Voss, the main character played by Jason Momoa, leading a tribe and having a peaceful life until witch hunters found the location of their tribe and decided to attack them. Baba Voss and his wife Maghra have two children, Haniwa and Kofun. These kids are born with sight, however nobody knows about this. Not even their parents. Maghra escaped her old tribe (later revealed to be Empire) and joined the tribe long time ago when twins were infants. Baba Voss took them under his protection and raised the kids as his own. The biological father of the children is someone that goes by the name of Jerlamarel, who leaves the kids with Maghra and never comes back. However, Jerlamarel had a plan for kids. He also left books for them, so as they grow they can read and learn. He also left instructions for kids to how to find him when they grow up.

Jerlamarel didn't really care about kids and their lives. He only was interested in their ability to see, just like he could. He had no intentions to be a father for them. This wasn't clear for Haniwa and Kofun until after they were able to find him. Their real father who raised them, Baba Voss even helps them in their journey to find Jeralmarel. Later sensing there something wrong, Baba Voss comes back to Jeralmarel's place to rescue his children. But by then, Haniwa was given away to Trivantian general Edo. Edo turns out to be Baba's nemesis brother whom he left long time ago. The end of season too portrays the fight between Edo and Baba and how Baba defeated his brother.

The reason, I chose to tell these parts of the story, because while the entire story is about Baba Voss and his tribe as they fight to survive in post-vision world, it is also a story of a protective father who fights to protect his children and his family. Strong relationship between Baba and his children Haniwa and Kofun is never broken, even though the children's journey change them as they explore the world with and ability to see and try to reconnect with their biological father, Jerlamarel.

Having an ability to see doesn't give Haniwa and Kofun much of an advantage over others. Because they are reliant on their vision to explore the world around them, they never learn or see benefits of using other senses as those without sight do. For this reason, they are not properly prepared for the world and fights that go around them. Only after embracing the ways of the sightless and training to fight without vision Kofun is able to learn new fighting skills. The reason this become important is because they have sight they are wanted by many. Initially it was the witch hunter who were fighting them. Jerlamarel wanted to use them in his mission. Trivantians want to have them to use in their wars. The only true loyalty and unconditional love they have seen from Baba Voss, Maghra, and their tribe. At the end of the last season, once battle ended, Baba Voss decides to leave everybody including his family to live remotely in the forest.

The final season of SEE will start on August 26, 2022 and new episodes we be available every Friday afterwards. There will be total of eight episodes. In this final season, there is a new technological weapon is developed by Trivantian scientists and because of this threat Baba Voss needs to return to protect his family and tribe once again. I think SEE had an interesting premise to this story and they could have continued the show with more seasons because there is so much that can be told about this world without sense of sight. Not sure what the real reason is for ending the show with the third season. It could be because Jason Momoa is involved in other movies or series and wouldn't be available to continue in SEE. It is also good to know that this will be the final season in advance, that way it can have a good ending. Some shows fail with ending the series with good conclusion, because they are not sure if they will produce the next season or not and leave the ending open to interpretations. When such series are cancelled, viewers don't get the deserved ending to the story. That's I am glad that season three of SEE is made with the intention that it is supposed to be the final one. Have you seen the previous seasons? Are you planning to SEE? Let me know in the comments.

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