Tales from the Video Store: Sweet as Pi Edition


Before I get started, I want to give a huge shoutout to my niece, Brianna, it's her birthday today!

happy birthday.gif

Hello all and welcome to a special Pi day "Tales from the Video Store" installment. We didn't have any pie where I worked, but today I am going to write about one of the sweetest things about working at the Video Store, the movie theater candy!

The Video Store I worked at had a couple of large racks right up by the counter, one side had bags of chips and the other side had a large selection of movie theater candy. We also of course had some other random food like cotton candy, microwave popcorn, and even gum. We also had a full cooler of soda in 20 oz. bottles. There was such a huge selection of food items that people would have a hard time choosing. There is no question that most of the customers would take home microwave popcorn over any other item.

These treats and snacks were also a huge temptation for the workers! There were many long shifts where we would get hungry and thirsty and it was all just right there for the taking. We got a small discount on the candy and drinks but it wasn't enough to make it worthwhile. A sweet treat every now and then did help us make it through a long shift.
But we all know that eating that stuff was not good for my waistline and my paycheck.


My favorite theater candy to eat were always the Reese's Pieces and the Junior Mints. But if I was hungry, I would usually order food out somewhere or if I needed a small pick me up, chips and a soda would do the trick. Needless to say, the Video Store ended up with quite a bit of my money from my paycheck every week between buying food, drinks and the occasional movie.

How about you all? What was your favorite movie candy? Did your Video Store have a huge candy section? Would you have been able to resist the candy and other snacks?

Thanks for reading and have an awesome rest of your day!

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