Wild Mushrooms Soup with Sweet Corn

Hello hungry side of the Hive, foodies and everyone who likes unusual recipes from yours truly! Let's try not to kill anyone with my cooking, considering we are using mushrooms today.

I am a big fan of mushrooms and I used to pick them when I was a child, so I do know quite a lot of kinds. I know how to recognize poisonous ones and I am always careful to pick only the ones that I am sure are good for eating.

Today, we are making simple yet so nutritious soup made from various kinds of mushrooms. This year we went to a mountain of Vlasina in Serbia, and while we were there we picked some, dried them in the sun, to preserve them and I often use them in my cooking.

This soup was so easy to make and it was beyond delicious!



  • one pack of champignon (from the store)
  • handful of dry boletus
  • a spoon of black trumpet mushroom powder
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • butter and olive oil
  • 1 bag of mushroom cream soup
  • a cup of sweet corn
  • cooking cream


I started with a base made of butter, olive oil and some garlic. I added well known mushroom, the champignon in the pot.

Mushrooms are like a sponge and you shouldn't wash them in general, just remove the dirt with a knife or a sponge. Because I knew my little one is going to try this soup I did wash them.


While the champignon was cooking, I prepared the rest of the mushrooms I had and that was dry boletus that I soaked in water for 15 minutes to rehydrate before cooking. I would then chop it finely and add to the pot.


Then I would add the powder from the black trumpet mushroom. This one is new for me, but when I read all the health benefits of it, I wish I picked up more while I had a chance. I made it in to a powder, so it would be easier to use in many different dishes.

This mushroom loos so weird and kind of scary, because of it's color. But it's full of nutrients, vitamins and many good stuff for your body.




I mixed it all up, toasted the garlic, added the mushrooms and the sweet corn to sauté for a while without adding water. The champignon released all the water I needed for this phase not to burn.



In the mixture I added water and cream soup from a bag, to add more flavor and salt, because I didn't add any salt until then. This part is not compulsory, but I noticed that it tasted way better like this.

You can add some more spices to your taste, I added just the cream to make it a bit lighter on the pallet because once again I cook for my toddler too. I wasn't sure he is going to eat it, because it is quite unique taste, but he loved it!


Pour it all in to a fancy bawl or plate, throw in some bread balls or cubes, what ever you like and there you go! One delicious plate of wild things, perfect for cold winter days and nights.


Hope you give it a try!

With love,

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