Hot Chili Sauce

Hello chefs! 😋

I told myself I had to post this year because I made this hot sauce back in October when I picked the first chilies, but I always delay, and now I don't have anything to wait anymore, because I usually give this hot sauce to my friends as a New Year's gift, and now it's high time.

As far as I can remember, I have already published a few recipes about my chili sauces, here is a recipe from 2021, here is a recipe from 2022.

Every year I try to change this recipe a little and use other types of chili. Last year's chili sauce was so strong that this year I decided to go for a milder version.

I've planted and used four types of chilies, my strongest according to the Scoville scale Habanero Chocolate, is somewhere in the top third in hotness. Naga Morich which is somewhere in the middle of the scale, and Cayenne Pepper and Small Cherry are in the bottom third, or mildly hot.
I have also added some other ingredients, namely

Cherry tomatoes and onions for sweetness, home-grown apples and vineyard peaches for fruitiness, lemon for acidity, and a couple of tablespoons of salt and olive oil.

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I washed the chilies and cleaned them of the seeds to make them even milder (based on my experience from last year when I left the seeds in) and cut them into smaller pieces. Just like everything else.

Of all the ingredients, chili accounted for about a quarter.

And then roast. I should also mention this up front:

I don't recommend cooking this in a flat or in a kitchen where you regularly prepare food, because the smell of burning will be everywhere for a couple of days (this is again my experience from last year because I roasted all the ingredients first in the oven in the kitchen) and my wife went completely crazy because everything burned her, she can't stand those burning flavors.

So this year I cooked it on a terrace.

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First I added a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and chopped onion, fried for a couple of minutes, added the chilies, fried for a couple of minutes, and added the grated apples and vineyard peaches and finished with the cherry tomatoes. And a tablespoon of salt.

Finally, I added a liter and a half of water and two teaspoons of cornstarch. I noticed last year that after a while the liquid separates from the other ingredients and it's always necessary to shake the sauce well. However, adding cornstarch thickens the ingredients and they no longer separate.
This mixture is then simmered for about an hour on low heat, or until all the ingredients have softened and broken down.

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While everything was cooking, I prepared the bottles into which I would pour the sauce.
First I washed them, disinfected the lids with alcohol, and put them in the oven at about 100 degrees Celsius for fifteen minutes.

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The ingredients for the sauce had softened after an hour of cooking, so I took a hand mixer and blended everything.

And at the end, I strained it all through a colander.

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So. Done. I left the chili sauce on low heat to warm up, took the hot bottles out of the oven, and poured the hot sauce into them.

There was even a little more sauce than I had bottles of.
I think it turned out very well. The sauce is not very strong, and there is a hint of fruit.
But anyway, more than one coffee spoonful in the dish will be too much. 🔥

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I'll give half of them away as New Year presents, of course to those who like them hot, not to everyone :)

But I need a sticker, which I have to make if I want to give presents.
I've made a few quick combinations, but I'm not happy yet, maybe I'll add something before printing. It looks a bit too empty to me.

sources for collage 1, 2, 3, 4, edited in Photoshop.

What do you think?
Any suggestions?

This is, very likely, my last post in the Foodiebehive community this year. I admit, I haven't posted as many recipes as in previous years, but there have been a few, nonetheless.

Thank you for your attention, I hope you'll prepare something very tasty for New Year's Eve!

If anyone is still hungry take a look at my older recipes!
Potato Moussaka, Pumpkin With Feta Cheese, Chard Pie, Breaded Zucchini, Night pizza on the grill, Wild Asparagus Fritaja, Potato And Sausage, Rice with meat and vegetables

Foodies 2020 | Foodies 2021 | Foodies 2022


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Thank you in advance.

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