Sooo, cheesecake is on the menu today. I will teach you how to make this delicious cake

This cake is a little difficult to make, but with a little effort, I believe that anyone could succeed. I made it once and it didn't quite work for me, but this time I looked a little better at which recipe to use and managed to make it perfectly. It is also very important what ingredients you use, so follow the instructions. It is better to buy slightly more expensive products that are of better quality and with which the cake will surely be delicious, than some cheaper ones. ~

~ This is all you need:

• 400 gr of ground plasma
• 200 g of butter
• 4 dl of orange juice
White filling
• 500 g of sweet cream
• 400 g of cheese (Ela)
• 160 g of powdered sugar
• 1 gelatin
• 2 dl of milk
Fruit filling
• 300 g of mixed red fruit
• 150 g of sugar
• 1 gelatin



• First, pour fruit, sugar and a little water into a bowl and let it cook for 10 minutes. During this time, put the gelatin in 50 ml of water for 10 minutes, so that it swells. Then remove the boiled fruit from the stove and let it cool down a little, and only then pour the gelatin into it and mixed all the time. It is important that the fruit is not too hot and that it is mixed all the time when pouring the gelatin, so that lumps do not form.
• Leave it to cool, it must not be hot when you put it on top of everything else.



• As for the first layer, pour melted butter and orange juice into the ground plasma. Mix it all well and put it in the one you want the cake to be in and spread it out.


• For the white filling, first mix the sweet cream and powdered sugar with a mixer. Then you pour cheese (Ela) into it and mix it again.
• While mixing it, leave the gelatin in 50 ml of water to swell. When it swells, pour gelatin into lukewarm milk and mix. Let it cool a little and then pour it into the white mixture.
• Mix everything with a mixer and pour over the first layer.

Just pour the cooled fruit filling on top of all that and put it in the fridge overnight so that everything hardens.



• And that's it, this is how this delicious cheesecake should look.


• Of course, some random picture must be included in the post. I could eat the whole cake by myself, it's so delicious. 😂

I hope that I have given you an idea to try a new recipe and that you will like this one.


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I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.

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