#Foodfriday - Tahoe Long Tong

Hey foodies of Hive, I'm back after some time after some much needed off time and a battle with covid (another blog coming).
This time I'm going to proclaim my love for yet another popular food (depending on where you live).

Last time I talked about Pizza: @gvkanten/foodfriday-pizza

This time I'm talking about "Tahoe Long Tong"
I know, how do you even pronounce that?! For the English speaking folks it might sound weird. But this Javanese dish is one of my favorites.

It's become somewhat of a personal tradition to have this whenever I get to Suriname (read: when I get home from the airport)! But of course it's also just a normal dish that you can get at most Javanese restaurants or 'Warungs'.

Suriname is a melting pot of different ethnicities so don't get confused if you hear other dishes mentioned before. Or, other dishes mentioned as Javanese. "Bami", "Nasi", "Saoto" are all pretty popular.

My love for Tahoe Long Tong reigns Supreme! But what is it??? That's a great question!
Here goes...
It's heavenly mix of

  • Pulled chicken
  • Fried Tahoe (or as you may know it, Tofu)
  • Sticky rice (Long Tong)
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Garnish (usually, fried onions, celery)
  • Prawn Crackers
    And to bring it all together
  • A spicy soy sauce

Heaven I tell you! You see, this dish is not too heavy, it's not too light, it's just right!
(hey that rhymes!)

I'm gonna be honest, these are not the best pictures but it's hard to do when you just want to eat.
But everything I just mentioned is usually sitting there ready for the sauce!

You may have noticed the added "bakabana" which is another snack - fried coated plantain (ripe).



This is the sticky rice


So what do you think?
Have you ever had this dish?
Let's talk below!



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