#Foodfriday - Sushi 😍

And to think I didn't eat sushi until about 6 years ago...

Welcome to another edition of #Foodfriday where I unleash my inner foodie and talk about... Well... Food.
Sometimes I cook, sometimes I order, sometimes friends make it, and you're invited along on the journey.



My first impression/question was why would I eat raw fish?! I don't trust it! 🤔😂😂😂
Plus for the longest time rice wasn't part of my diet (quick background story: I have battled my weight since I was young, and my eating habits, especially regarding carbs, had to be adjusted... White rice was made enemy nr 2! Enemy nr one were soft drinks).
So for a while there I really didn't eat sushi at all... When I did, or was invited by friends, I only ate the fried snacks/dishes served. Cause you know, they were safe, and also very tasty!


I don't know exactly where is all changed but I'm sure it had something to do with 1)being in better shape so rice is allowed en 2) friends who thoroughly enjoyed sushi and who wanted me to join...
So I slowly got more of an appreciation for the art that is sushi...


The thing is, the difference in taste is subtle. I also started eating a lot of the roles without sauce just so I could first appreciate the ingredients before overwhelming my pallets with the sauce.
Ingredients like avocado, salmon, crab, banana (yes I've had those) just to name a few...


And so I came to like it... I also very much liked the presentation. It's not something you notice when you're hungry but... Sushi has some of the coolest presentations around.


I even learned how to eat with chopsticks (My Chinese ancestors must be proud!!!) just so I could complete the experience.


Fast forward to now, there are 3 of 4 sushi restaurants here in Curacao (and some others which also serve sushi) and I usually go with 2 or 3 friends.
It's not the most expensive.. But it's also not cheap so in my experience going with 3 of 4 people is the economic sweet spot 😂.




How about you? What is your stance on sushi??? (This is me crossing my fingers and hoping for more engagement 😂).

That it for me today, hope you guys have a great weekend.



P.s. This is post 13 of 30 of the #HiveBloPoMo challenge, be sure to join us next time!

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