Elderflower cordial & 45 years in this body


In celebration of another year in this body I give you now a favourite recipe from my past, elderflower cordial. When I was seven years old my parents sent me to a boarding school which was pretty horrific if truth be told, but elderflower grew in abundance around the school grounds and once a year they permitted us to make elderflower cordial so I would make a ton of it, stashing it away to drink at a later date. Even today it tastes like a little slice of summer freedom & I highly recommend you give it a go!


Here in the South of France these amazing scented flowers seem to be everywhere at this time of year. These ones we found in the centre of our little village.


A few of them were low enough for Esteban & Luna to pick.


They love helping me with things like this.


When they are not busy butterfly hunting ;)



Elderflower: 20 flowers
Sugar: 600g
Honey: 2 tablespoons (optional)
Pure water: 2L
Organic lemons: x3

Stir & heat the water a little to dissolve the sugar & honey.
Squeeze & slice lemons into the water, also adding some zest.
Shake off any bugs from the flowers and add to the water.
Give it a good mix.
Leave (covered) for 24h.
Sieve to remove flowers & lemon.


Dilute generously with pure water (I recommend ZeroWater if you don't have a distiller) and you're good to go.

To maintain that awesome flavour as long as possible, keep it refrigerated.


Even in the fridge however it will begin to ferment after a few weeks so if you're not going to drink it quickly I recommend freezing half. Packed full of vitamin C this drink is a great protection against pesky viruses so you may want to keep some handy for the winter.

Let go of your untrue belief that sugar is bad. Turns out that's just another conspiracy designed to keep us from something our bodies really need! In fact it's more about the crap that sugar gets mixed with (butter, eggs, additives etc) which is bad for us. If you don't believe me, why not have a chat with personal friend & endurance athlete @sebcam ? Around a year ago he liberated me from my fear of sugar. Thanks buddy ;)

By the way, if you are not already following @sebcam you really should be! Just last week he reached the Hollywood sign, completing the first leg of his world tour, running from Miami to LA. That's one side of America to the other.

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While the rest of the world was busy sitting on their arses watching a pandemic pantomime ;)

The importance of 44

44 is a magic number for both @sebcam & I. We used to go sungazing together in London back in 2012 and would often discuss its importance. I have been curious since then to discover what was going to happen when I was 44, so now that I have completed the year I can tell you what it was!

Aside from the rather pleasant reality that I have been financially liberated this year (thank you crypto) I made a number of other interesting transitions.

I regard myself as a farmer now and while you may not yet understand the importance of this job moving forward, I believe I do and these days I spend most of my time growing or foraging food, continually seeking to expand my knowledge of this and natural medicine.

I also regard myself as a builder now that I've had some experience building a small concealed stone house in the woods.


This one I built last autumn with the help of my children in under two months, zero budget. I will tell you more about this house in a future post, but in short it was a spectacular experience!

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At the end of last year's growing season I learned how to preserve food, which has taken my little family to a whole other level. Now we are living in true abundance where are able to give away our food to the other people in this little village, population 300.


I also learned how to make cider & wine last fruit season! Beer I will be looking into this year now that I know where the hops grow.

On a less tangible level I have felt myself disconnecting from my old life. Less and less I am interested to communicate with people I consider to be programmed. Covid has drawn a line in the sand and it is evident now who has been brainwashed & who hasn't. Largely this has to do with how much centralised media a person has ingested over the course of their lives, but it can also be due to the kind of people they have spent their time with. The programming is cunning and it is thorough. It feels to me like a giant magic trick has been played on the world. A magic trick only magicians can see.

Esteban & I are currently writing a children's book which reflects what has happened. Something along the lines of a Tuttle Twins book, this one is designed to teach young children how fear is used to control us (in a fun way!).

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Most of what I want to talk about with people today will not be heard by them if they have been programmed. It CANNOT be heard. So what's the point in communicating? To talk about the weather? No thanks. Unless you want to discuss ideas for the best ways we can prepare for the Grand Solar Minimum which is currently putting an end to modern agriculture?

I am focused almost exclusively now on preparing for a future in which my family & I will continue to thrive no matter what is happening in the world, so anything which isn't contributing to this goal is getting harder and harder to justify.

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Deep down I feel as if I want to say something to you all. And I want to say it loud!

The decisions we make during the remainder of this year will affect our children's children, so make your decisions wisely.

Get out of the cities and start growing your own food. Invest into a diverse crypto portfolio and be ready to sell into physical assets at the end of this cycle, likely around the beginning of next year. Take on a daily spiritual practice which will aid you in these exciting times, visualisation, affirmations, meditation, whatever works for you. Guidance is only offered to those who are asking.

In other news the new member of our family is in great shape, though he still hasn't opened his eyes yet.


His belly has grown a lot in his first week of life!


How wonderful it is to share our home with this little slice of nature :)

My mother sent me some Beatrix Potter books from my childhood (which are perfect for my kids now) and an incredibly beautiful hand painted card. Well done Mum, your art just keeps getting better and better. She started painting in her seventies!


Our five cherry trees are coming into season now so I am currently doing a cherry fast, which feels awesome. More accurately it is a mono meal diet.

A few days of nothing but cherries to purify my system ;)

I wonder if my poop will turn red like it does when I do this with watermelon???

Haha, you gotta ask the important questions, right?

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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