11 Years Ago Today I Trained My First Client

I wonder how many times I've said "time flies" in writing blog posts? Probably quite often as time really does seem to pass in the blink of an eye. I was reminded of that today when a memory popped up that on this day 11 years ago I trained my very first personal training client. How the heck has it already been that long?

Look at that fresh face and auburn hair. This photo was taken some time in that first month or so when I began my new career as a personal trainer. Earlier that year, after almost a decade in the retail industry, I had come to the decision that I was extremely unhappy doing what I was doing at the time. During college in the early 2000's I had started working at the mall to make some money and spend time with my best friend (well, it was better than getting a job with a boyfriend). I got a job at the same clothing store as my pal, and within a year got promoted into management. That started the succession of a number of retail managing gigs. Even after getting my college degree it was tough to move on to a new career path as it was what I knew and I could make decent money to support myself. Plus at the time I couldn't have told you what else I would have wanted to do anyway.

Not long before I made the decision to finally leave retail behind, I had started working out again at home after a few years of inactivity. Like many kids I had played sports in middle and high school, but once college hit and I wasn't involved in any organized sports I let the habit go. Seeing changes in my mind and my body as I made movement a habit again was enough to push me into really looking at what else I could do with my life. Enter a Craigslist add for a local personal training program. I went to an open house to check it out and was signed up to start classes within the month!

I opted for the six month program, consisting of classes a few nights a week and all day Saturdays. That way I could continue working that last retail job until I was certified and able to work as a personal trainer. The program consisted of basic nutrition, anatomy, programming, and a number of other topics pertinent to the career, as well as practical experience working out in the gym. Just about three months after I started the program one of the instructors asked if I would like to do an internship at his training studio that would have the possibility of turning into a full-time position. I jumped at the chance to actually get more hands on experience so I started right after the 4th of July holiday in 2009. What was supposed to be an internship turned into a job after the first week as he had a trainer leave the studio and needed to fill the spot immediately, thus I jumped in to handle my first session on the 12th.

My 30th birthday with a now dear friend.

Eleven years later, I still train some of the same clients that I had the pleasure of working with in that first year and at that studio. Most of them I consider close friends at this point. Family really. Most of you have taught me as much or more as I have taught you over the years. I'm forever grateful for the lessons and the gift of the time together. Since then a whole lot has changed and I now work at a different spot, with some truly amazing trainers.

Photo courtesy of truespeedphoto.com

I think I'm actually not far away from my 6-year anniversary of starting with Excellence in Exercise. The move to E in E was unexpected but turned out to help me grow as a trainer in so many ways. Besides just learning so much from my awesome fellow trainers, I have also had the room to grow in my own pursuits outside of the studio. You wouldn't be reading this blog without the support and autonomy to beginning my journey under the Plants to Planks heading while I still spend most of my time training and working out of E in E.

I would never have had the nerve to sign up for a Tough Mudder (or two) without a great team to nudge me in that direction. As I have said multiple times, pushing myself physically definitely helps me push past other boundaries and blocks. As much as running alone can be challenging, running with lots of wet, muddy obstacles thrown in will really test you!

I've also been able to incorporate more of my nutrition training and background the last few years to enhance what I do as a trainer. Though the in-person plant-based nutrition series might be on hold for a while now, I can't wait to get back to it with a farmers market visit when we can! Until then, time to start working on some online content to keep everyone excited to eat their fruits and veggies.

Not sure who was training who here...

I have also learned to set boundaries on my personal time, which I didn't do early on in my training career. I remember working Monday through Saturday every single week, from before sunrise to after sunset. As much as I enjoyed what I was doing in many ways, I was utterly burnt out before I made the switch to E in E. Now I know I can hustle as much as I want and take any opportunity presented, but I can also pull back and take the time that I need to nurture myself. Like Friday afternoons with my little blonde one. I wouldn't give up that time spent with her for anything!

Working with clients these days has taken even more twists and turns with the latest state of things in the world, but I'm thankful I've been able to adapt and finally jump into more online training. I hope to continue to work on expanding my remote clientele even more, regardless of where things with the Covid situation settle going forward. Nothing quite beats face to face interaction, but online options have turned out to be a fun challenge to adapt to and push myself to present great sessions and maintain value from afar.

I don't think I intended to prattle on this long, but I can't say I've ever marked the occasion before on the day, so excuse my verbosity. ;) I remember being so nervous before that first session. Would I mess up the workout? Count incorrectly? Talk too much? Not enough? I still get the nerves working with someone new, but I think that's a good thing. It means I still care about making sure I am giving that client the best session I can in working toward their health and fitness goals. Ultimately it is why I continue to do what I do--I became a trainer to help people. If I ever lose sight of that it is time to move on. That day is not today, though, so you're stuck with me and my healthy food and running/fitness motivation.

Thank you to everyone who has had even the smallest part in this journey. Even you pain in the @$$ folks. Perhaps especially you, haha. I know there are many more stories and experiences to come, and hopefully many more years of good health for those I have the privilege of working with or inspiring along the way! Cheers!

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