Medicinal Mushrooms. Costs and Noticeable/Unnoticeable Effects.


So having been away from Hive and the Natural Medicine community for a while I figured it was time to jump back in and do some blogging. I had to move house recently so it's been crazy executing that in a pandemic, but my daily health routine has been the same. If anything I have been adding to it to ensure I'm not run down while undergoing the stresses of a chaotic relocation in the middle of a lockdown.

My last post was on Turmeric bombing and the overall worth of the exercise as well as cost. In todays post I'm going to cover adding three types of fungus to my daily routine. The Cordycep Sinensis, Reishi mushroom, and Lions Mane. Each is surrounded by claims that they bring something to the table regarding health benefits. So without further adieu let's jump in.


Cordyceps Sinensis

It's hardly an attractive fungi as far as looks go. However, it has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine for its health benefits. It has an interesting way of beginning its life. It parasitizes ghost moth larvae and from the poor little unfortunate souls cadaver sprouts up to shoot out more murderous spores. However, moths loss is our gain. The reported health benefits are as follows:

  1. Boosting exercise performance

  2. Fights aging

  3. Potentially slows tumour growth

  4. May help reduce inflamation... this was the main effect I was after.


So most studies state that for the effects to begin to be realised with this fungus one has to take them for at least three weeks. I bought a 90 day supply after fishing around for a reasonably priced supplier who made a credible product. Of course I ended up on Amazon as one so often does in todays pandemic world when trying to save a quid or two. I found a company called Gower who had some pretty decent feed back and spent around £14.00 for a 90 day supply.

All in all I'm almost a month in to taking the daily recommended dose (650mg) and I honestly can't say I feel either way. I mean.. it's not as profound a difference as I have experienced with other natural remedies like with Turmeric, steady dosing with Ginkgo Biloba, or even taking things like Lion's Mane fungus. I don't believe it's supposed to be though. Any gained benefits are supposed to be over time and it strikes me more as a maintenance supplement rather than an enhance day to day performance kinda supplement.

Though having said that I'll probably continue with it as I already paid for it. I haven't had any unpleasant side effects like gastrointestinal discomfort or the like so I'll probably carry forward.


Reishi Mushroom

I love this mushroom and I'm kicking myself for not harvesting the hell out of it when I was walking by so many last year before lockdown. Sadly I took up my decision to incorporate Reishi into my supplement routine in the middle of covid new normal while moving house so sadly I had to buy. For those whom it may interest the link is here.

It was a galling purchase to be honest. After years of teaching foraging to everything from youth groups in the community to my neighbours and writing dozens of posts on subjects related to mycology I had to BUY WHAT I NORMALLY FIND FOR FREE.. Sigh.

However even for the novice this particular polypore is an easy target to set your sites on alongside other easy to identify species like the Giant Puffball, the polyporus giganteus, and many other easy to spot/no to few deadly or toxic look a likes. As errors in mushroom harvesting aren't forgiven it's a great safe species to start with.


The reported health benefits are as follows:

  1. Boost immunity

  2. Anti cancer value This study I have linked focused on breast cancer. But there are many others that indicate it assist in giving mutated cell growth across the board a hard time.

  3. Combats fatigue and depression. A fun study to read as most double blind placebo studies are.

So again I'm about a month into this one and I have to say... again not a huge or profound effect. I haven't gotten sick? I also don't feel like superman over night though. However, my partner has been taking this one alongside me and certain monthly nagging female issues have seemed to lessen. Interestingly there's no reports of this being a benefit so I can't say if it's the Reishi or not. But thought I'd mention it. I do intend to carry on taking it though. I like the studies around it, and as soon as the season hits... and if great leaders say we are no longer on house arrest... I'll harvest some rather than pay a tenner a bottle.


Lion's Mane Mushroom

For many this particular fungus needs no introduction. It's value in part of a comprehensive treatment plan for patients with dementia is well known. It's also known to stimulate the growth of brain cells. In fact its value along these lines is so well known that today it's a protected species in Britain, and it has been harvested clear into being endangered.

Sadly there's a lot of unawareness how these natural systems work so when a mushroom gains such popularity and can be resold, people go a bit gaga. For instance a few years ago due to the wild food craze being in full swing there were groups of a**holes going into places like the New Forrest and just bagging up whatever fungi was growing in bin bags, going home and sorting the edible from the non edible and flogging them on to swanky restaurants. The damage this did to mycelial networks was awful.


However, the reported benefits of enhanced cognitive performance over time aren't being understated. I've used this mushroom before and picking it back up I was reminded around a month later why I liked it so much. It does (over time) help you to feel clearer and a bit more focused. When taken along side other things like ginseng, and a little caffeine one does notice a difference. Sadly again I had to buy. I was moving house with everything in boxes so growing my own was off the table. So sadly back to Amazon I went. The link is here, and for the modest cost of £15.00 you can get a months supply.



So that about wraps it up for this post. I can honestly say I'll stick the Lion's Mane and Reishi as I feel their worth the cost to continue with. The lions mane I'll start growing once I'm settled in to the new house..... I'm still undecided on the Cordyceps. I take a lot of supplements (pictures above of my daily) alongside always trying to eat healthy, so bringing in a new one to the routine and keeping it is always something I ummm and ah about after trying it for a bit.

Well guys if you made it this far thanks for reading. As always I'm looking forward to checking out all your awesome posts and content. Stay healthy, stay safe. :)

Other posts on mushrooms and wild food:

Magic Mushrooms and Molecule Math



Unusual Edible Flowers That Are Often Admired But Also Overlooked.

Blue Lotus. Intended And Unintended Uses/Benefits.

Anglo Saxon Medicine. Horehound Medicinal Uses.


image credits:
the chalkboard mag
my i pad

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