Thank you!
We are at the threshold of major breakthroughs in health and well-being thanks to ongoing research on this subject. While macro-dosing has the potential for significant adverse reactions,especially hepatotoxicity, micro-dosing makes it possible to develop much safer treatment protocols. I don't have any specifics to offer as I am not personally involved in research. But there is little doubt that this will be a very important aspect of medicine in the near future.
My personal experiences with Psylocybin [macro-dose] more than three decades ago were polar opposites. The first was a Satori experience that went on for several hours that had me doing spontaneous kriyas that i had no idea knowledge of whatsoever, sitting in lotus which was an impossible posture for me. The bliss [I have no other word to describe it] was life-changing. The second time a month later was the exact opposite...a paranoid nightmare of an experience that drove me to the brink. So macro-dosing is unpredictable and as the first western writers on this subject like Leary and others mentioned, it is crucial to ensure a good setting and support.
Having said all this, there is a consistently better way to steadily and permanently create the same neurotransmitter environment in the brain...and that is through meditation. This is my core practice. I require nothing else.
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