Kratom Brewing || V60 Pour Over Kratom



One of the most common ways to consume kratom is through toss and wash or making a tea. Some kratom cafe serves it with lemon juice. But there are some unconventional ways of consuming kratom such as adding it to oatmeal or making a macchiato with it.

Normally, I take my kratom through tosh and wash method. The bitterness will go away quickly in comparison to consuming via tea. For those of you who don't know how kratom tastes like, it tastes even bitter than matcha green tea. But today, someone gave me this idea on making pour over kratom. Well, I have the tools and I have the time. Besides, it's been a while since I actually take kratom.

Before consuming kratom, you need to know its interaction with other drugs. So be very cautious and always discuss with your healthcare provider and research about the legality of this substance in your country, state, or province. Now, let's get into the cooking lab!

How I prepare my v60 kratom


  • V60 + coffee filter + glass preferably a measuring cup

  • Neck kettle but if you don't have you can use something like this


  • Additional : wood spoon or stick to stir


  • Water
  • Kratom


How to make

  • Pre-heat the coffee filter

  • Throw the water

  • Put kratom inside the coffee filter, from what I recall and my own experience different dosage has different effect. So it depends on your goal. I use 1 and half teaspoon for 150 cc water



  • Wait about a minute before adding more water.


  • Transfer to a mug/cup of your preference. Enjoy !


I take kratom sparingly and infrequently. I am not really huge on it and I was simply curious what it tastes like. But, I have read some people get addicted to it and develop tolerance to higher dosage of kratom. So, that's a line I have to draw, I don't want to be dependent on it. Though it's fun to drink. Despite it claims that it can make someone euphoric and laser focused, I have yet to feel the effect. The combination of caffeine + L-theanine still works better. However, lately I read about theacrine and I really want to try it.

Let me know in the comment section about your kratom recipes, experience, and kratom strains you've tried.



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Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies.
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