Sassy Vegan Shepherd's Pie

Having to cook for a bunch of men who do not believe dinner is complete without any meat on their plates, can be quite challenging for someone trying to go fully Veganuary!

Time is a precious commodity, so I try and simplify my menu planning and prepping for two main courses; one for my menfolk and the guests in our bnb and one for Mom and I; with hubby joining us at times as our meals often look way more appetizing and he does enjoy a taste sensation!

So on this particular night, good old Shepherd's Pie was on the menu for dinner and this was easily replicated as a flavoursome Sassy Vegan Shepherd's Pie for our Veganuary dinner.


As we're on a self-imposed ban from running to the shopping malls on a whim, I try to use simple ingredients; whatever's in the refrigerator or in the garden, so let's go foraging and see what we can find.

Spring Onions always add flavour to any dish - cooked or raw.

The tips of young Pumpkin plants are delicious cooked like spinach, but it tastes ten times better! This I learnt from Mary, Mom's domestic worker who I grew up with and who eventually worked for me. She used to make Umfino with it; a traditional Xhosa dish made with wild spinach, mushy potato & onion and served with Phutu, a crumbly Maize Meal porridge, similar to Polenta or Grits.
Pumpkin leaves & tendrils.

A little bit of extra Thyme is always nice;)


Carrots and Leeks which are my kind of refrigerator staples.


A quick tip here
My Gran taught me how to give some veggies a second life by cutting off the roots of leeks, spring onions and carrots and replanting them. You'll have new spring onions and leeks growing in no time; the leaves sprouting from the carrot tops can be used in cooking, much like Parsley!

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Enough of my chattering, so let's get cooking!

I'm going to give you the quantities I used, but you can chop and change as you wish and use your favourite veggies.
Veganuary Shepherd's Pie

  • 5 Spring Onions
  • 3 Leeks
  • 3 Carrots, grated
  • Small bunch of Young Pumpkin leaves and stalks OR Spinach, diced
  • 3/4 cup Peas
  • 2 Tbsp Onion Powder
  • Vegetable Stock
  • 2 Tbsp Cornflour for thickening
  • Approx 2 cups Potato Mash made with Coconut Cream & Vegan Butter

Sautee Spring Onions & Leeks in Olive Oil
Add remaining vegetables and stir fry a little, before adding enough vegetable stock to cover veggies.
Cook till tender, then thicken with cornflour and spoon into oven dish.
Note, I used 2 smaller dishes to make individual pies.
Spoon potato mash on top, score with a fork & brown under grill.












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