I am


A strange title don't you think? We are strange people so I decided to use this strange title.
I am ---------- what comes to your mind if you had to fill in that blank? The good the bad or the ugly? Let me do this for you from my perspective.
I am a homemaker - well a dignified name for a mom who is an unpaid maid in the home. STHM is an acronym used in the West to define this lifestyle.
Or I am a mother and I build the foundation of the course my children's' life - which do you think is better?

The first definition of myself chains me to the dungeons of negativity and worthlessness. The second definition gives me purpose and direction, not just for my life but also for those of my children too. It lights up my future and that of my family as well.

Life is how you look at it. The real worth of your life is determined but how you perceive yourself. I could whine about my circumstances and write on topics like - Is a woman just a cook or a maid? or I could choose to be the woman in the driver's seat and direct the course of my life and the architect of my children's future.

Oh, you do not know the circumstances in which I live, the social norms that wall me in - I hear some voices tell me this all the time.
Look around and see women who have defied all these things to live for what they believe in even in your own restrictive society. That brings us to the next question.


What do you believe in?

Do you believe you are the product of your society and you are powerless or you have power over your life. If you believe you are the product of your society you have already decided your fate. If you believe you are the creator of your world, then you have a journey to set out on. Get ready for it, its not an easy journey, so wear your hardest boots.

Do you believe in yourself or the forces that you think that are powerful around you? You may not be able to change the world but you certainly have the power to change your world. You need to have faith in yourself, no one can do that for you but yourself.

You do not understand, I have no college education, I have no degrees behind my name, I have no money power or work experience.
Well that is your past. Your past doesn't matter. Bill gates was a school drop out, okay let's not use Bill as our example - do a Google check and you'd be surprised to see the names that come up - Gates, Dell, Zukerberg, Dorsey and the list goes on and on.

Let me ask you a relevant question here. How many college graduates and university toppers really you know have made it to the who is who list? Do you see the ratio in proportion there? Yeah, I know one Sunder Pichai.

The question I need to ask here really is - Am I willing to do pay the price to get where I want to go? Do I have it in me to work my butt off, to be consistent, persistent, determined, willing to learn and set my ego aside for a while?

If I have answered in the positive to most/all of those parts of that question I am on my way to be what I could be. If I am still looking for excuses then I don't just stay where I am right now but have positioned myself to fall further down, as that is where inaction, lack of motivation and faith would take me.


All our lives we have been asked the wrong questions which has led us to think in the wrong direction. People have asked us innumerable times in our childhood and young adulthood - what do you want to become? If people had asked us - who are you and what do you do? We then would have been trained to think right and have had the right focus. We would have begun our answers with - I am a nature lover/ a musician/ a singer hence I sing, I dance, I teach, I play games. That would have helped us discover who we are. The truth is it is never too late.

I believe In myself and therefore I am someone. Don't let the noises of the world asking the wrong questions and pressurizing you their failed dreams destroy the person you are meant to be.

Don't let your past dictate your future. Your past is behind you. The future is yours. Let your present and what you do from this moment on build the new you, you are meant to be.

Thank you for your time.

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