Lime As A Natural Medicine

Rutaceae plants has numerous specie in which lime and orange is an example.


Photo by Sonia Bucala

It is usually greenish in color with green leaves and some stain of yellowish color when ready for harvest.
The fruit of lime is a major ingredient in making juice and confections. Confectionaries are sweet food that contains flour and is baked. The lime juice.


This article seeks to present a brief about lime plant, how to cultivate the crop and its health benefits to the body.
This is an example of domestic crop. They can be planted in the compound to add beauty to the surrounding.

A Brief About lime.
Lime belongs to the kingdom of plant, the family of rutaceae. The family of rutaceae plant has leaves with strong scent.
The botanical name for this specie of rutaceace crop is Citrus Limon. It is also known as the lime.
The tree grows more than 16 feet in height with green leaves. The fruit is small and spherical in shape.


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How to cultivate lime plant
It is essential to make sure the following are set in place before cultivating the crop.
The cultivation process is not different from that of orange. You need the following to cultivate lime fruit.

Healthy seeds
Healthy seeds are essential, do not make use of seeds that are not matured enough to produce the plant. You can get a healthy seed from good lime fruit purchased from a fruit vendor.

Good soil
The soil suitable for lime cultivation is the loamy soil. Loamy soil is rich in nutrient. If the soil isn’t loamy enough, you can add some fertilizers to it.

Water and sunlight
Water and sunlight is recommended for all plants because plants obtain their food from the presence of sunlight.

Apart from this, you also need to water the crop consistently to promote healthy plant growth.

How to cultivate lime
The following are the steps to cultivate lime. However, some people may just choose to buy the tree from a local garden rather than cultivate from seeds.

Here are the simple ways to cultivate lime
Get a healthy lime seed, wash them you can allow them to dry for some days before planting in on a fertile soil.


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Health benefits of lime fruit
The following are the health benefits attached to lime fruit.

Source of vitamin B
Vitamin B is an important natural medicine used for the body conversion of food into energy. It is very essential in keeping the digestive system and also the nervous system effective. The natural medicine there is niacin.


Photo source - Sunshine nusery

The nervous system is responsible for sending and receiving impulse in from of signal from the body.

It helps maintain body balance
Lime contains phosphorus which is important in management of excrete from the body parts such as kidney. It also plays a better role on utilization of the body energy.

Source of body nutrient
Lime contains chemical nutrient such as magnesium which helps to keep strong bones and a healthy immune system. The immune system is responsible for protecting the body against diseases or sickness.

This article has been able to present a brief about lime plant, how to cultivate it and its major health benefits as a source of natural medicine to the body.


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