Releasing Mucoid Plaque (GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING 💩NSFW unless you are a health worker or plumber)


For the past two years, I've been on a quest for amazing health. This started with a long juice feast, or solid food vacation as John Rose puts it, whereby I lived on nothing but freshly pressed juices for 120 days. Yep, you read that right, I only consumed liquid nutrition for four months. Around 5‑6L of juice/day. And guess what? I didn't die. Just like Warnie didn't die from drinking juice.


Quite the opposite of dying happened actually; I felt better and better the further along I went. Why? because my body started rehydrating and eliminating all the old waste, aka mucoid plaque, that had been accumulating in my gut since childhood. Think about it. We eat for various reasons including boredom, stress, or to "swallow" emotions we don't want to deal with. So all your "shit" that you've suppressed your entire life will come up when you start moving the physical manifestation of it (i.e., the actual shit) out of your body. The more you release, the lighter you feel. Letting go does wonders for both your physical and mental health. This guy sums up perfectly how the gut, brain and mental health are all connected.

This post will not go into detail about my juice cleanse since I did a YouTube podcast with my gym discussing my journey. You can watch it here (in English).

Let's talk weight WASTE loss.

I started my juicing journey at 46kg (height 152cm). I don't think I looked bad, and my body fat has always been on the lower normal side for women.

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Getting my first InBody scan at my gym on Day 1(ish)

I lost 8kg in four months (see Table below). I will admit, I did not like how I looked at 38kg, my lowest weight. Think Bride of Skeletor. However, you cannot renovate a house without ripping out all the old, damaged materials first. And your body is basically your soul's house. So if you do this properly, you will have to sacrifice the body you have for the one you want, even if it makes you uncomfortable for a while. However, as the globalists like to say, "build back better".

Post juice cleanse, my weight has hovered around 41‑43kg most of the time, and I got back the muscle and strength I lost. What's even better is, my body shape changed to something I really like. Fat in my torso went from 4.5kg to 2.5kg, which is a 44.4% reduction. I assume intestinal waste is included in fat since my Lean Body Mass (Fat-Free Mass) only decreased by 15.8% (not shown in Table).

InBody Scan Results
Weight kgWater LMuscle kgBones kgFat kgBody Fat %
15 Jun 2145.926.47.12.519.921.5%
05 Aug 2142.325.66.92.377.417.5%
21 Oct 2139.
Total Loss6.
% Loss14.8%10.6%11.3%12.0%29.3%21.4pp

pp= percentage points

Since then I have completed two short juice cleanses (2 weeks each), a coconut water cleanse (2 weeks) and two grape-only cleanses (9 days and 7 days). If you're wondering "why grapes?", it's because they are perhaps the most powerful healing fruit available. To find out more, I recommend Professor Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System and Johanna Brandt's The Grape Cure. Both books are excellent and free on Internet Archive. As an aside, I would recommend using organic grapes since conventional grapes are heavily sprayed. Consuming roughly 2kg/day of sprayed grapes can make you feel really sick. This happened to me on the second cleanse and I had to stop early. However, I don't have access to organic grapes in Panama so I will not be attempting this cleanse again anytime soon.

You are literally full of shit! 💩

So you'd think after four months of juicing, my gut would be clean right? I mean, every day, multiple times a day I eliminated SO MUCH mucoid plaque from my body. Unless you go on this journey, you honestly have no idea how much is in there and how accurate the saying "YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT" really is.

This waste is stored in the small intestine, not the colon, which is why it doesn't show up on colonoscopies. The small intestine is 3‑5m long (or 10‑16 ft in old money), which is a lot space! But even after 120 days of not eating, I still had solid waste coming out. It's crazy. And if you don't believe me dig around on YouTube for the testimonials of others who've done 90/120/200 etc. day juice cleanses. I am not the anomaly.

Except for maybe the tiny minority of people, with hippy parents who fed them a raw vegan diet from birth, every person has been steadily adding to their stack of shit over time. Check these links if you want to know which foods contribute to mucoid plaque and which foods don't.

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John Rose claims that the average person is carrying around 5‑10kg of shit in their small intestine. More if you're a larger human. I think you can really see this by looking at skinny people, particularly older skinny people. Many have distended bellies. It's generally not fat (or a lot of fat). It's a lifetime of shit that has had the moisture sucked out of it, then hardened in the gut where it remains. That's why diet and exercise won't help shift that last couple of kilos. It's not fat. It's shit that needs to be properly rehydrated first by taking a solid food vacation.

Logically, this continuous build up of waste is also why you get sicker as you get older making the concept of "old age illness" bollocks. It's not time that ages your body, it's abuse. You're sick cos you've treaded it like a garbage dump for your entire life and now you're paying the price with multiple ailments. Compare this to a human who arrived more recently. Their "garbage pile" is a lot lower (minus the million jabs they try to put into babies now) so they typically have fewer ailments, or "old age diseases".

Only the body can heal itself but to do that you need to stop repeatedly doing the things harming it, like eating the wrong foods and putting poison in it. That's step one. Step two is paying the piper for the decades of abuse you've inflicted on your temple. This means it's probably going to hurt, maybe a lot, by way of detox symptoms. Nausea, headaches, fatigue and flu symptoms are just a few. There's also the mental detox as old traumas come up for release.

"The Influenza is a natural detoxification process of the body in response of an excessive toxicity within the cells. There is no cure for the Influenza because the Influenza IS THE CURE." Herbert M. Shelton.

You can't cheat your way out of this step either by "taking something", which counts as poison and adds to your stack. Remember, healing takes TIME. You didn't intoxicate yourself overnight and your problems didn't develop overnight. Furthermore, we are coming from generations of bad habits and ways of living that go completely against nature. All this toxicity and trauma in our bodies isn't going to disappear instantly. Typically you have to feel it to heal it, physically and emotionally. This means symptoms may get worse before they get better. Most people fail understand this and many give up when they think it's not working. It can literally take years to heal fully from chronic dis-EASE (i.e., a lack of ease).


The Eyes are the Window to the Body

I am the cleanest person I know when it comes to removing mucoid plaque and detoxing. I don't know anyone in real life who has done as much cleansing as me. Additionally, I follow a high raw, high fruit diet. For me, fasting, cleansing and eating raw vegan food is normal. However, rather than seeing it as a preventative tool, most people view this lifestyle as extreme and a "last resort" once they're at death's door, if it even crosses their mind. Taking drugs with dubious side effects and/or surgically removing body parts seems far more extreme to me.

Dr Robert Morse uses iridology to diagnose weaknesses and areas of concern in the body. While I am not an iridologist, I have watched enough of his eye videos to know what to look for in myself. So even after 120 days on juice, a clean digestive system was not reflected in my eyes. That disappointed me. Fruit is the most cleansing food we have, so how was my gut still unclean? Why was mucoid plaque still coming out of me after four months? Why are most other people on YouTube who do long juice cleanses still not fully clean? Just how dis-EASED are we as a species and what does it take to get this stuff out?

Enter Zencleanz

The following section contains affliliate links

Then I stumbled across Zencleanz, a Taiwanese company which produces internal cleansing products using digestive enzymes from organic plant foods. They are fermented to the sounds of Tibetan sutras for three years. It's high frequency, natural medicine, which is just my thing. The company is fairly new and still largely unknown. You can learn more about it in this recent interview with the founder.

After binge-watching a bunch of YouTube videos and reading the testimonials on the Zencleanz website, I wanted to try it. I ordered RAINBOW, which includes the intestinal cleanse, ONE, and the liver cleanse, FORGIVE, as well as three days worth of fasting enzymes for in between.

Even though their products are expensive, they are premium products that require significant infrastructure to enable tonnes of organic food to be fermented for three years. Good luck finding that on Amazon! Besides, being in excellent health is worth the price. I'd rather sacrifice elsewhere, like not travelling anywhere for the past three years, to pay for these products. Ah, it's like the universe knew I needed to save for them! Furthermore, I don't pay for any public or private health insurance schemes, prescription drugs, doctor visits, etc. The medical industrial complex is a massive money-making scam in my opinion, designed to make you a life-long, repeat customer. I want to stay as far away from it as possible.

"An intelligent person may be wrong sometimes, but a fool is never wrong. The medical profession is never wrong." Herbert M. Shelton

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My Zencleanz Rainbow (ONE) Experience

Graphic image warning ahead. If you're grossed out, remember this, and probably worse is IN YOU TOO!

Leading up to my cleanse in January 2023, I juiced for two weeks. Although it's not necessary, I wanted to be as clean as possible going into it. And yes, taking a solid food vacation in advance will ramp up your results. The question therefore becomes "how fast do you want to go?"

First up is ONE, the intestinal cleanse. On Day 1, you take 10 powders throughout the day along with some liquid enzymes and warm water. From Day 2 you will start releasing mucoid plaque. This will continue as long as you stay in a fasted state or on liquids that don't restart digestion (i.e., water, coconut water or juice).

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I liked the taste of all the powders and liquid enzymes. Nothing was difficult to get down and I felt good all morning with high energy levels. However, this changed in the afternoon. I became very tired and some emotions bubbled up which I needed to process. In the evening, I had a headache and my stomach was churning. It was not a fun night.

I started releasing some of the product in the afternoon of Day 1 and into the night. You can tell the product from mucoid plaque because it comes out jelly-like.

From days 2‑5, I released so much mucoid plaque. Remember, I had not consumed any solid food in the two weeks prior to this cleanse so it is not regular shit. I was shocked, given how much plaque I'd already got out on my long juice cleanse. It just kept on comin'.

This was my my first mucoid plaque release on Day 2. As you can see, there is a mix of product and mucoid plaque. I also thought I passed a parasite, but it was part of the plaque (undigested fat looking at the mucoid plaque analysis chart) when I poked it with a stick.

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Throughout the morning I had a couple more mucoid plaque releases. This stuff is thick and rubbery and does not break apart. It is NOT product, which has very little structure. Again, it looks like a lot of undigested fat to me.

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After these releases I felt quite good and thought that might be it since nothing else was going on with my stomach. I was happy with these releases.

Then came the afternoon shift...

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These three releases came in the space of about two hours. There is some product but it is mostly mucoid plaque, more specifically undigested fat. The monstrosity on the right blew my mind. It was so much!!! Interestingly, once all this came out a space, or softness, opened up just under my ribcage, that's always been tight.

Later, I had a few small releases that were mostly product.

The Dampness Within

Let's take a look at days 3‑4, shall we, since I was still only consuming enzymes and fresh coconut water.

The first release on Day 3 was more mucoid plaque. Then (I believe) I started releasing internal dampness according to the mucoid plaque analysis chart. I know they look liquid-y, but there was a texture when I poked them. These releases were foamy and gassy and smelt really bad compared to the previous releases, which didn't really have an odour.
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Clearing my self-diagnosed internal dampness is the other reason I wanted to do this cleanse. I've never really delved into Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) so internal dampness was new to me. However, the founder of Zencleanz, a TCM specialist, frequently talks about it and how many people are unknowingly affected by it.

I live in a tropical, humid climate. Plus, I consumed around 3L of fresh fruit juice a day for 1.5 years. These are known causes of internal dampness. In 2021 I developed a mucus-y, relentless cough that slowly and continuously got worse regardless of all the cleansing I did. At first it was just annoying. Then it became painful and severely affected my sleep. My theory is, the internal dampness caused by all the juice moved up into my lungs since this is actually a thing.

Rainbow Cleanse (ONE) #2

With internal cleansing, you don't really know when you're done. You just have to keep going until nothing "old" comes out. Plus it's a bit like cleaning your house or car. It's not a one time deal. You need to keep on top of it. Since every cell in your body produces waste 24/7, it continuously needs cleaning. Obviously the more frequently you clean, the easier maintenance becomes.

In February 2023 I did a second RAINBOW cleanse. However, I didn't juice going into it since I wanted to see what a difference that made. I also cut the number of fasting days by two. Although I had no physical symptoms this time, mentally, I just wasn't feeling it and wanted to stop early.

Day 2 yielded the following...

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As you can see, lots of product (the darker jelly like stuff) and more undigested fat. However, I think the bottom left release is also a little pale, suggesting internal cold or blocked liver/ gallbladder bile ducts. I'm not 100% sure of this though as it could be the lighting on the water. That said, undigested fat is either the result of an overconsumption of fat (I do like my nuts and seeds) but most likely from an inability of the liver to break down fat. Don't worry, the FORGIVE (liver/ gallbladder) part of the cleanse is coming!

Days 3‑4 yielded much less than last time, probably because there is much less in me now. Just some brown ropey stuff on Day 3 and more undigested fat on Day 4.

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Rainbow Cleanse (ONE) #3

After the second RAINBOW, I started feeling clean. I tested that theory in April/May 2023 by doing a third cleanse. This time I went for 10 days on water and enzymes since I had extra enzymes from last time. I think I had a headache on the first evening but mentally I was good. This was by far the easiest water fast I've done.

Let's see what Day 2 produced.

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Ok, so these photos are all of the same shite, which is in the top left. I decided to give it a good old poke to see what would unravel. It's mostly brown ropey stuff, which is good. It means it's new and I'm on my way to clean. Uniform brown ropey stuff is what you want when you're taking Zencleanz ONE enzymes. The body does not stop making mucus as it is a natural protection mechanism, so you will likely always get something out.

I had no releases on Day 3. Then weird stuff started happening on Day 4. I was back to the liquid-y, foamy stuff, although much less than before. I assume this was the last of my dampness. That said, I haven't done another ONE cleanse and I have been drinking daily green smoothies and eating mostly raw, so I probably have "new" dampness that will be released next time. Alternatively, perhaps dampness is the result of an unclean digestive tract? Once restored, perhaps you can consume as much juice and enzyme-rich raw food as you like with no ill effects? I don't know. But it doesn't make sense to me that our species-specific diet would cause harm if everything is working correctly.

I barely released anything on the other days leading up to the FORGIVE part of the cleanse so there are no additional pictures worth posting. A lack of releases also makes think I'm pretty clean.

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Juicing v Zencleanz

If you want to go on this journey there are several things to consider.

  1. Juicing is very effective at getting mucoid plaque out but it takes a long time. That said, you can live on juice for ages (example 1, example 2) and you'll likely heal a bunch of things and lose weight along the way. You can also continue to live normally, unlike with water fasting. My long juice cleanse was one of the best things I've done for my health and spiritual growth. However, I never saw anything resembling fat or dampness. And yes, I have the photos of all those releases too!
  2. Juicing may lead to internal dampness over time.
  3. Zencleanz is fast and effective. There is something magical about the fermented enzymes that cleanse very deeply compared to anything else currently on the market. It's also the quickest way to resolve internal dampness. However, it is expensive. It will also take multiple rounds. A healthy person with a perfect diet using Zencleanz for the first time may require two or three ONE cleanses. Everyone else on the Standard Anywhere Diet (SAD) will need a lot more.

I personally think a combination of both works the best. Or you can use water fasting and Zencleanz if you're really ill. Water fasting requires a separate post though, and is a lot different to juicing. It's not something to jump straight into. Do your research first!


Cleaning out your gut will take time and money, there's no way around that. Juicing is affordable if you stick to more locally sourced, water-rich produce such as melons. You spend money on food anyway so all you need is a juicer.

I have no personal experience with any other bowel cleansing products and whether they remove mucoid plaque or just clean out your colon. However, Dr Morse, Dr Group, Markus Rothkranz and PuraDyme each have their own protocols and I like the people involved. There's also Arise & Shine, which I've heard mentioned in the juice community. Alternatively you can google "psyllium husk and bentonite clay cleanse" or "intestinal broom" and see what the internet has to offer.

What happened to my cough?

The short answer is I cured it. The longer answer is my relief came after the RAINBOW cleanses, several additional FORGIVE cleanses, and two INSPIRE lung cleanses. I will write a separate post about these because I have more liver and gallbladder poo photos that I apparently want to put on the internet for the world to see! 😂💩

Zencleanz Affliate Links

If you would like to try Zencleanz, feel free to use my code (ANNEMARIEDAVIES) to get a 5% discount.

If you would like to sign up as an affiliate yourself, feel free to use my sign-up link.


Images 1 & 5 from Pixabay, image 4 from Pinnacle Naturopathy, images 6 & 7 from Zencleanz Affiliate Marketing Materials, the rest are my own.
Collages made with FotoJet.

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