Banana blossom curry with garlic naan for Veganuary


Last week my kitchen manager gave me a can of banana blossoms that he purchased a while back and never used.


I had never known they could be eaten, until last year when I was in Thailand. A Thai friend said they are good to cook with. I never got the nerve to try it. They were in the markets fresh but I just didn't bother.

So when I was given the can, I thought why not give it a try. I found out that people often use it to mock fried fish, but I didn't feel like deep frying something. Although one day I think I will try it.


I opened up the can to check out the texture, and found the reason why it would be used as a mock fish or chicken. It was really interesting. I decided to make curry with it and use it for the meaty texture.

I chose random spices that I have.

1 teaspoon of cumin, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1 teaspoon nigella, one teaspoon mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon chili, 1 teaspoon garam masala and 1 teaspoon Asafoetida


I was also given a donation of mini cast iron skillets, so I thought why not use one of them to toast the spices.


I chopped 1 onion, 4 cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon minced ginger, and some cilantro stems.


I added 2 diced potatoes and 1 diced carrot.


I didn't really have a plan, so finally I thought I should throw in some lentils. I always have lentils in the cupboard. I cooked a cup of lentils before I added them to the mix.


I also added a couple of diced tomatoes.


The onions were sauteed, then the garlic, ginger, chili, and coriander were added. I added salt to taste.


I added the banana blossoms, cooked lentils, tomatoes cooked potatoes and cooked carrots.


After they cooked for ten minutes together I added a cup of crushed tomatoes, 1 1/2 cup of vegetable broth,2 tablespoons agave nectar, juice of one lime, and around a cup of coconut milk.



I had prepared dough for the naan which was plant based.

Garlic naan
4 ½ cups flour
1 tablespoon instant yeast
1 cup warm water
2 tablespoons cane sugar
3 tablespoons vegan yogurt
1/4 cup melted vegan butter
2 teaspoons salt

I mixed the yeast, sugar and water first. It was left in a warm spot covered until it bubbled. I don't think it's needed to do this with instant yeast but I do it anyway. I am not a baking type so I usually go by feel.


After I added all of the ingredients together and kneaded until it formed a nice smooth dough.


I let it rise for an hour then kneaded again before I formed it into a ball then several smaller balls. I made small naan in my little mini cast iron skillet. I don't have a large one.

I spread a mixture of minced garlic and melted vegan butter on top after I flipped them over. I also sprinkled some coriander on top.


When they were all done I put them in the oven to keep warm while I finished off the curry.


I had to have something green so I used up some broccoli that was in the fridge and had it on the side.


I chose some chopped peanuts to go on it. I love peanuts on everything.


I was really impressed with the banana blossom and regret not trying the fresh ones when I had a chance. I may never have that opportunity again the way things are going.



Hope everyone is having a good week!

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