The Truth About How We Are - Part TWO: Mandatory Injections

Something drops, a fumbling sound, a distressing grunt, silence. When I experience these things, I still react the same way I did on that October night: My heart races, I freeze, and, if my fears are not resolved quickly, I run. I thought my young and healthy husband was dying, and now, I’m always afraid he’s going to die at any moment.

In this post, I am going to tell you about our experience with the covid injection – the traumatizing night of October 29th, and the maddening circumstances that led us to this point. This was one of two significant life events that happened in 2021. The first was our spiritual transformation - I, unconsciously unsatisfied with my New Age beliefs, and Jon, looking for intellectual meat to chew on, arrived graciously at the word of God.

Click here to read Part ONE: A Spiritual Transformation.

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My hope for this post is that the strong line of division between the desirable and undesirable (vaccinated and unvaccinated) is dissolved. You see, Jon and I would fall into the undesirable group, but so many people that we love have willingly chosen to get vaccinated. Some believe it is best for their health while others just want to travel, go to hockey games, and return to "normal".

On one side of the scale there is the strong belief that the covid pandemic – the virus, mask mandates, social distancing, and injections - are purely wicked. It is dividing nations, poisoning our bodies, and destroying our children’s futures. We must not comply.

On the other side of the scale there is a strong belief that we are all in great danger of the covid virus. Wearing masks, social distancing, and vaccines are the key to surviving the pandemic. Everyone must comply, for the greater good.

Our beliefs might fall heavily on one end of the scale or other, but real life has many variables. Jon is a wise man (in my opinion), and he reminds me of the importance of balance. He witnessed this during his tour in Afghanistan – the farmer who was passionately upset and standing his ground would be the first one murdered by the Taliban, and his family would suffer. I imagine the same was true for the Jews during The Holocaust. As painful as it is, we need to look to the other side of the scale and try to dissolve the hard line.

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Jon and I have followed both sides of the science since the beginning of covid times. We don’t believe it is best for our health, or for the greater good, to be vaccinated. We don’t believe is it ethical to mandate a vaccine and would, therefore, never get vaccinated to travel for leisure and attend social events. The propaganda involved is a red flag that the government recommended health measures are not about health (ie. free iPads and lottery tickets, social privileges, and freedom to work and travel).

Here is a link to the FDA website where it says, “the scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine will reduce such transmission”, and “we are still learning about the extent to which it keeps you from being infected and passing the virus on to others (transmission).”, and “Data are not yet available to inform about the duration of protection that the vaccine will provide.”

It is clear to us that this is an experimental covid injection. To be honest, I can’t understand how any vaccine can be called safe and effective unless it has undergone thorough research for hundreds of years (generations). It also seems clear that our chances of dying from covid are extremely low, and that natural immunity would be more “robust, long-lasting, and broadly effective even in the case of mutations”.

Click here to read more about natural immunity and the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Maybe we’re wrong, but until shown unwavering proof that the covid injection has anything to do with health, we were firm on our decision to not get any vaccines no matter how severely coerced...

Jon is employed by Permobil, which is a complex rehabilitation, medical equipment company. He is the territory sales manager for the Canadian Provinces, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Territories. He works from a home-office, but it is the nature of his job to need to enter medical facilities, work with people with disabilities, and travel. Jon truly enjoys his work and cares for the people he works with.

Permobil did not issue a vaccine mandate, but we live in Canada and now the unvaccinated are...basically denied everything except groceries (for now). The restrictions make it nearly impossible for Jon to do his job well. He wouldn't be able to enter medical facilities, universities, attend business related social events, or travel.

Here is an open letter written by Canadian Mounties to the RCMP Commissioner, describing their concerns surrounding vaccine mandates.

The vaccine mandates and restrictions had us seriously backed into a corner. We did everything we could to find a way out of this mess. Jon locked himself in his office for weeks to crunch numbers and make projections for our future. We put everything else on hold and dedicated every spare minute to trying to find a way forward, without the vaccine. We considered all our options for where to live. What if we sell our farm? What if we get the heck out of Canada? What if we move in with our parents? What if we live in a tent in the bush?

We considered all our options for earning money. What if I open my salon back up? What if we get a loan and start farming full-time with my parents? What if Jon gets any other kind of job? Is there a rich dead relative out there somewhere with a hefty inheritance for us that we haven't claimed? We talked to every financial institution, but time was just not on our side.

What does scripture have to say about this? We prayed and cried (and I cried and cried and cried some more). Our closest friends prayed and cried with us.

If there was an open door, we could not see it. Everywhere we turned there was a devastating dead end.

We were still not getting the vaccine. There must be a way. We must stand our ground.

Then one night, Jon came to me and said he thought the best thing to do for our family and future was to get the vaccine. My stomach turned. It's still turning. I understood.

We exhausted every idea we could think of. We needed him to keep his job, and keep moving forward with our dreams to farm, to raise our family in the country, to build community, on this land, with these neighbours, and these friends. We can’t leave. We must move forward. Do the next thing.

We had to explore the only place we refused to go – the other side of the scale. What does life look like if Jon gets the experimental covid injection? To be totally honest, I couldn't see anything. I just simply refused to investigate a future that might not have Jon in it, should this injection kill or injure him, like it has so many others. Jon came to peace with it and was prepared to take the risk. I understood what was going to happen next.

Without going into too much detail, this was a time sensitive matter, and we delayed the appointment as long as possible.

The Injection and Seizures

Jon was scheduled to work at the University of Alberta on Saturday, October 30, 2021. To enter the building, he was required to take a Covid test. On Thursday, October 28, 2021, at 1:50pm, Jon produced a NEGETIVE Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Result.

On Friday October 29th, 2021, at 10:40am, Jon received his first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. He came straight home afterwards and went to work in his office. His injected arm was sore, but otherwise, he felt perfectly normal. The future was looking secure again.

I had a terrible gut feeling about it all. I told one friend that Jon had received his first dose. I sent our oldest (4-year-old) son over to my parents’ house for a sleep over. I thought it would be easier to just pack up the baby in the middle of the night, should I need to take Jon to the hospital.

On Friday night after the baby was asleep, I did some reading in bed, while Jon relaxed in the living room. At 9:00pm Jon went downstairs to use the bathroom. He had one case of diarrhea (very unusual).

When Jon was finished in the bathroom, he came up the stairs. Before he reached the last few steps, he began to feel dizzy. His vision darkened and narrowed. Then he lost consciousness and fell.

I was lying in bed when I heard fumbling and then grunting sounds. I immediately felt hot, yet I froze. My hearing sharpened. I heard my heartbeat, and grunting sounds, and our dogs' toenails frantically dancing on the floor.

When Jon gained consciousness, he got up and came up the last few steps.

I heard Jon moving from the stairs to the kitchen, and then I heard more rustling and fumbling sounds and more grunting. This time I knew something was wrong and ran to the kitchen. Jon was lying on the floor on his back. Was he seizing? His muscles were contracting so his whole body was stiff. He was making shaking and jerking movements. He was making grunting and groaning sounds. He was sweating. His eyes were closed but I could see his eyes rolling around under his eye lids.

I knew that if someone was having a seizure you should try to get them to their side to prevent them from choking, but Jon was too challenging for me to lift while he was stiff and making jerking movements. I held his head and talked to him. The amount of time that passed is unknown.

A few moments later, Jon's episode stopped and he opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he looked at me and said, “It’s okay. It’s okay.”. His pupils looked dilated, and he appeared extremely fatigued. He asked for a cold cloth.

I got the cold cloth and wiped his face. Jon stayed on his back for several minutes and then slowly sat up against the kitchen island.

I got Jon a glass of water, and an apple. He took one bite and then he put the apple down on the floor, and lost consciousness again. Another episode began – stiff, shaking and grunting. He was only exhaling, not inhaling. His legs were stretched out in front of him, so when he went stiff, he became jarred between the kitchen island and the wall. I couldn’t get him to lay down, so his neck was bent and pressing back against the island. I held him and talked to him until it passed.

When Jon became conscious again, he slowly sat back up against the kitchen island.

At 9:33pm, immediately after the third episode, I took Jon’s phone out of his pocket and called my Dad to come help. We live on the same road as my parents (2 miles away), so my Dad was able to get to our house within a few minutes. I thought that it would be faster to get Jon to a hospital if my Dad could take him. The closest hospital is 30 minutes away.

At 9:36pm I decided to call 911, and an ambulance was dispatched. I decided to call for the ambulance because I knew it would be safer to have the paramedics with him, should the episodes continue.

When the paramedics arrived, we told them the events that occurred that day, including receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 injection, drinking lots of fluids, what he ate, the single case of diarrhea, and the three , seizures (?). The paramedics took vitals and asked routine questions. They said his vitals were okay. Jon was able to stand up and walk to the ambulance. The paramedic that was in the back with Jon said, “My real name is John, but all my brothers are also named John, so I go by Jeremiah.”

My Dad met Jon at the hospital. In the ambulance and at the hospital they checked his vitals, ran multiple ECG tests (heart tests) and blood work. Jon told the doctor that his chest was hurting and felt tight. One of the ECG tests was abnormal, and the doctor decided to keep Jon overnight. He experienced another case of diarrhea. He was dehydrated and received three bags of IV fluids.

I tried to sleep, but could not.

In the morning, Jon was told he could go home. The doctor said he probably just fainted from dehydration, but referred him to schedule a wearable, 24-hour, heart monitoring device. The device was scheduled for November 8th.

The hypothesis that Jon fainted from dehydration does not make sense as he had been drinking lots of fluids throughout the day. He knew the injection would be taxing and made sure to drink plenty of water, and electrolytes. He wasn’t stressed or anxious. Jon is a young healthy man who has never fainted or had seizures before. He has been under high stress situations, including war in Afghanistan, military exercises in the extreme cold north, jumping from helicopters into freezing lakes, strenuous farm labor, and the excitement of delivering our second baby unassisted. He has been dehydrated and anxious and physically fatigued and has never had a seizure or fainted.

We wonder if the dehydration, diarrhea, chest pain, and three episodes are a reaction to receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 injection only 10 hours before the ambulance was called?

The following days were worrisome. Jon continued to experience chest pain. Our future was once again, unclear. Without that second injection, Jon would not be recognized as fully vaccinated. Without that status, it would be incredibly difficult to keep his job. And now that he’s had seizure-like episodes, will they suspend his driver's license? And what if this happens again and he dies?!

On Saturday October 30th, Jon came home from the hospital and did not go to work at the University. He relaxed, in a depressed state, while I desperately researched the possibilities of getting Jon a medical exemption for the second injection. I was so distracted with phone calls and preparing a report for our doctor that I ignored my own symptoms of how unwell I was becoming. My symptoms began on Friday night – the same day as Jon’s injection, and episodes.

You’ll notice that I use "episodes" instead of the word seizure. I’m afraid we’ll never know what it really was, especially after our follow up appointment with the family doctor. I’ve had some medical professionals tell me he probably just fainted, and some medical professionals tell me it sounds like seizures. I decided to call it seizures because that is what I thought was happening when I saw my husband unconscious, grunting and shaking on the kitchen floor. I could be wrong.

The Follow-Up Appointment

On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, Jon went hunting with my Dad. Everyone was careful not to leave Jon alone. He was experiencing tightness in his chest, fatigue, shortness of breath, chills, and sharp pains in the left side of his head. He shot a moose that morning but became so visibly unwell that my Dad sent him home before Jon could skin and dress the animal. He came back home around lunch time. I was also experiencing chest pain, headaches, body aches, chills, and fatigue.

That afternoon, we went to Jon’s follow-up appointment with our GP, Dr. Anthony Froud. When we arrived, we informed the receptionist of the symptoms we were experiencing, then we sat in the waiting room with our masks on. Jon was struggling to catch his breath. He was getting dizzy and turning red, so he pulled his mask down to breath.

I went into the doctor’s office with Jon, since I was the witness to the fainting/seizing that took place on October 29th. Jon told the doctor what happened, and we gave him a copy of the report that I prepared. Froud looked over the report and then handed it back.

He took Jon’s temperature. Jon had a fever. Froud left the room, and returned later with a gown, face shield, mask, and gloves on. He said he thinks Jon’s “just got covid”.

Froud preformed a nasal swab, PCR covid test on Jon and recommended we wait for the results (up to 48hrs) before going any further (ie. discussing a medical exemption).

I asked Dr. Froud if he has read any of Dr. Flemings research, as it could explain what happened to Jon regarding the fainting/seizing. The answer was no – he follows all the information given by Alberta Health Services. When questioned further, he said, “I don’t participate in conspiracies.”

We gave Dr. Froud the name of a highly respected Cardiologist (a friend of a friend) and asked for his referral. Froud was willing to discuss it after the results came in from Jon’s 24 hour heart test, scheduled on November 8th.

We were disappointed, but not surprised, by our visit with Dr. Froud. We had no use for our family doctor for years and had not seen him at all during covid times. We didn’t know where he stood on the scale of beliefs about the pandemic. I went to the appointment feeling hopeful, that maybe he stood somewhere in the middle, and would help us find answers and consider helping us get a medical exemption for Jon. But our doctor visit went much the same as so many others – refusing to even consider that this miracle covid vaccine could have caused harm. Some of our conversation went a little like this:

Me: So on Thursday, Jon produced a negative covid test. Then, on Friday morning, Jon got the covid injection. We both felt perfectly healthy, until that night, when I started to feel unwell, and Jon had three seizures. Jon didn’t start feeling any symptoms until after the seizures. Now it’s Tuesday, four days later, and Jon has a fever and you think we’ve got covid…

Doctor: Are you suggesting that the vaccine gave you covid? How could it?

Me: I don’t know doc. These are just the facts. You tell me.

We are officially labeled as conspiracy theorists. Whatevs.

When Jon and I arrived back at home, he received a call from Dr. Froud. He asked Jon to go to the hospital to get a rapid covid test, and have an ultrasound done on his heart. This was good news! Froud was acknowledging what happened on Friday night. At 5:00pm, Jon drove himself back to town to do the tests.

At the hospital, they did the covid tests, took chest x-rays, and ran another ECG test and bloodwork.

The Positive Test

The rapid test that Jon did that night was positive. I had already lost my sense of taste and smell so I was sure I had it, too.

The positive covid test was both a relief and totally annoying. Maddening.

You see there's two ways this could go:

  1. The seizures/fainting were a reaction to the covid injection, and then we got covid from the shedding covid injection.

  2. It was a total coincidence we started having covid symptoms the same day as Jon's injection, and it was the incubated covid virus that made Jon dehydrated and have three seizures.

The doctor is sure it's the second option and cannot see how it could possibly have had anything to do with the injection.

We were "required by law" to quarantine for 10 days while we had covid. Covid wasn't pleasant, but at no point did I think, this is worth shutting the world down and dividing humans into two groups - the desirables, and undesirables.

We'll never know if the first option was true, thanks to censorship. I don't know if his trip to the hospital was reported as a possible vaccine reaction, but I am sure he would have been reported as an unvaccinated covid hospitalization, even though he was not actually hospitalized by covid.

The heart test Jon was supposed to do on November 8th was postponed, because we were quarantined. When he did eventually do the test (a month later), his results were normal.

It was good to hear that Jon's results were normal, but we still had one more injection to deal with. To be considered fully vaccinated (so that Jon can work), Jon needs two injections, 4 weeks apart. His next vaccine appointment was two weeks away and we were not having any luck with a medical exemption. Trust me, I made it my life's mission to try to get him one. But even if he did miraculously get one, it still wouldn't be good enough to travel and enter the medical facilities he needs to for work.

We went back to the drawing board. We went over it all again. How can we move forward in life without this vaccine, which means, without Jon's job? We hit all the same dead ends. We prayed and cried some more. We seriously considered selling it all and moving into my parents’ basement.

I just cannot write in words how painful it was for Jon to make the decision to get the second injection. This time he was scared. There was nothing peaceful about it. He didn't have any seizures, or obvious side effects, but we are still scared. He’s fully vaccinated, but how far will this go?

It isn’t recommended to get the chicken pox vaccine if you’ve already had chicken pox, because it is thoroughly understood that natural immunity is enough. We had covid, therefore, natural immunity. There was no medical reason for Jon to get that second dose.

Pray for Jon's health, now and in the future. Pray for our world leaders. Pray for our health care systems. Pray that the strong lines of division dissolve. Pray for all the masked smiles that we never shared. Pray for our children’s future. Pray that this is not the new normal.

Thank you for reading The Truth About How We Are.

God Bless, and Happy New Year.

-Love, Emily

In case you missed it...

The Truth About How We Are (2021) - Part ONE: A Spiritual Transformation

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