Sea Photography Contest # 160 - Boats & Sea

Ahoy Marc, and Sea and Boating Hiveans.

I liked the words ".. The last places of freedom.."

In search of them, I think the first taste of the culture of those unknown lands when you approach by Sea, are the fishing boats out there.

Years ago, we were sailing out of season into the Indian Ocean from Bali, after a week we had to go back looking for shelter from a cyclon. So we ended up in a little fishing village on the south west of Java - Indonesia.

These were their fishing space-ships:

Shot by my Oppo A37fw's camera

Fair winds!

about me / sobre mí

One day I started to travel one-way and never stopped. Music is my vehicle, singing and sharing the secrets of the Ukukele I go.

Currently traveling the Pacific Mexican coastline in Ukewewe's Red Beetle from Chiapas to Sea of Cortez, where we'll jump on a Boat to float for a while.

Meanwhile we are mixing our first Ukewewe's Album: Seed Music. Funding it 100% on Hives.

THKS FOR YOUR UPVOTE or TIP on this post! Ukewewes' first LP is coming soon and you are part on it.


Un día comencé a viajar de ida y nunca me detuve. La música me muestra el camino, cantando y compartiendo los secretos del Ukukele voy.

Actualmente viajando por la costa del Pacífico Mexicano en el Escarabajo Rojo de Ukewewe desde Chiapas hasta el Mar de Cortés, donde nos subiremos a un velero para flotar un tiempo.

Entretanto estamos mezclando nuestro primer álbum de Ukewewe: Música Semilla financiándolo 100% en Hives.

¡GRACIAS POR TU VOTO o TIP en esta publicación! El primer LP de Ukewewe llegará pronto y tú eres parte de él.


other social media /otras redes sociales:

YouTube: ukulele tutorials and stuff
Facebook: Ukulele Guru
Instagram: Adventures
Ukewewe:Seed Music and Cacao agenda



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