Soft reportage street. Part 1

For the fourth year in a row, I have been experiencing an unusual inspired state during the autumn street. There was a soft evening light, it was warm. But it was not only physically warm, but the light was so warm that all the pictures turned out to have a yellowish tinge.


This year, my street photographs have increasingly begun to acquire an aesthetically reportage character.

That is, I clamp the aperture less and less and use less and less piles of objects.

Spotted street began to turn into a reportage street.

But what about the contrast street? Have I forgotten how to do it?

I don't know, but also this year the contrasting subjects on the standard zoom lens disappeared somewhere.

I told you so! I said that I would complain and scold myself later that I did not take pictures in sunny weather when it was contrasting!

But if you go into details, then I always shot a contrasting street in autumn, where deep black and long shadows, and sunlight has a yellow tint.

That is, it's too early to complain! There is a lot of time before the onset of winter.

In the meantime, we need to make the most of the golden autumn!

And be sure to take pictures in the rain!

Yes, that's right, I shoot very little in the rain, especially in autumn.

Well, that's okay, later. In the meantime, about these photos – it was the last more or less warm day.

Then came the cold weather.

The most important thing is the color – warm, soft, yellow.

The softness of the plots was facilitated by some kind of haze hanging in the air.

To be continued...

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