Back in the Saddle - FOWIHM


Day two of back in the saddle and I can honestly say that my FOWIHM (Fear of what I have Missed) is starting to take hold.

What have I missed, what do I need to catch up on and there is also a sense of Déjà vu
I believe that some of my last writings I was talking about visiting a dentist, again and again, Well this muse find the situation no different.

They say that things come to those that wait, and that is true in many case, however I also believe that rather than being destiny driven and sitting around waiting for your destiny to manifest that we are in control of where and when our destiny appears.

We are the directors of our own stage and we are in control of what our next steps are, always informed by previous steps of course.

So I found myself at the dentist today with determination in hand to once and for all end the saga of the back molar that has been plaguing me since late 2019.

I walked out of that dentist, not only with the satisfaction that I directed the outcome based on previous paths, of course, but also walked out of there with my tooth in hand.

Finally taking the step to the next chapter of the scenario, finally knowing which direction I am going in.

Shoulders heart and head so much lighter for knowing a decision was made and a new direction is ensuing.

So two things come to mind here,

  1. Take control of the directions you choose for yourself and take responsibility for the decision you make in determining those directions
  2. Sometimes things do come to those that wait, in other words, when the time is right the time is right

Part of having things come to those that wait is knowing when the right time is and that comes about by determining your directions with purpose and control so that you ultimately determine when the time is right.

Grab yourself by the short and curly’s and know that only you can make the decision to take the next step in the direction that you determine for yourself based on the events and actions of what has come before.


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